Replacement bases

By docForsaken, in Painting

Anyone know a spot for good replacement bases. I may just pony up for the fancy new ones, but I'd rather just get a bunch of the regular black and maroon ones.

There might be some options yet I'm sure next to none if not none will be ideal; best idea I have beyond just buying another expansion is just getting the premium bases from FF. You might be able to buy a unit with missing parts or bad paint job on selling sites, use the cards and bases. Etsy has a lot of wannabe items that might work but I don't know if would be tournament legal. I noticed on some sites they sell bases 30mm and up, however it didn't show a good picture or information about height which I think matters. Just do a search for bases, maybe something at some point will show up. Realistically, there isn't much out there beyond using the ones given or getting the premium. Hope that helps in some way.

I think i'll cave and buy the premium ones. /:

They should make transparent bases so no matter what table set up it matches.

2 hours ago, Tokous said:

They should make transparent bases so no matter what table set up it matches.

Someone has posted transparent bases on here. I just don’t recall who it was. Obviously these are not official.

EDIT: just did a search on Etsy and you can find some there. Not the right height but probably close enough. I won’t shill for the store but you could look it up if you want to.

Edited by BigBadAndy

I'm implying FF official bases to be transparent hopefully in future. All that phony stuff I treat like a plague keeping far away from, last things I want is to be that guy at a tournament with bogus bases all ready to go but then can't compete lol.

9 hours ago, Tokous said:

I'm implying FF official bases to be transparent hopefully in future. All that phony stuff I treat like a plague keeping far away from, last things I want is to be that guy at a tournament with bogus bases all ready to go but then can't compete lol.

If it was X-Wing I would somewhat inclined to agree. But Legion is not really a game of millimeters. If people are going to rules lawyer over bases (assuming the unofficial are reasonably close to the official bases in size) then my opinion is that it is more of an issue with the community than the bases. In a game where the official method for moving over a barricade is “hold the movement tool in the air as close as you can to the base you are trying to move,” I think getting wound up over the difference between a 30mm and 28mm base is not merited. I certainly wouldn’t have a problem playing against someone with a reasonably sized aftermarket base (not Crabbok’s ultimate Vader base).

13 hours ago, Tokous said:

They should make transparent bases so no matter what table set up it matches.

I can't stand transparent bases as they make the models look like they are floating, even more so with the official height. Plus glueing onto transparent bases without fogging is a minor pain (unless canopy glue sticks to Legion models?). Honestly, basing of miniatures is more for making the army a mini diorama for when they are on display 90% of the time, not for trying to match every terrain board they might be placed on in my opinion.

34 minutes ago, BigBadAndy said:

If it was X-Wing I would somewhat inclined to agree. But Legion is not really a game of millimeters. If people are going to rules lawyer over bases (assuming the unofficial are reasonably close to the official bases in size) then my opinion is that it is more of an issue with the community than the bases. In a game where the official method for moving over a barricade is “hold the movement tool in the air as close as you can to the base you are trying to move,” I think getting wound up over the difference between a 30mm and 28mm base is not merited. I certainly wouldn’t have a problem playing against someone with a reasonably sized aftermarket base (not Crabbok’s ultimate Vader base).

The Tourney rules state players "cannot significantly alter the height or dimensions" of the miniatures. Some TOs might argue that the shorter bases are a "significant" alteration in height. I agree, I wouldn't really care for casual play, but some players and organizers might have objections in organized play.

As a mixture of competitive and laid back, I feel every mm does matter. If you use any range tool, a slight veering or deviation off course can make the difference between being in base contact with an objective or not. I've personally learned that where I was maybe 1 or 2 mm away and the round came down to points... otherwise say if that didn't matter or if I had a bigger base, well guess what I win... that would be a unrightful win since it actually isn't fair or equal.

Since both players using what officially comes with the game, and maybe not if that's okay but it definitely needs to be same dimensions as original. Even being very small 2mm still matters, a unit with scout could nearly move half an inch in two turns of double move, 25.4 mm = 1 inch. No thanks unless I'm the one allowed to do it lol. I let my opponents get away with plenty like take back moves, etc but that's just absurd.

In nearly all games in every shape and form there is always a certain group deliberately trying to cheat the game yet find ways of it being okay through loop holes, unclear rules worded odd, and really anything that allows them to get there way undeniably given them an advantage and their opponent a disadvantage regardless how minute.

Each to their own, I was originally just saying I refuse to use anything that isn't legal and commonly available to everyone else. When I win, I know it's a win not exploited. When it comes down to it, just got to be careful moving.

Edited by Tokous

Obviously @Tokous and @Caimheul1313 you guys have a right to feel however you want. But I have to tell you that if you think that “unofficial” bases are going to introduce more variance into the game than the actual humans moving the pieces around, I think you are kidding yourselves. At some point you may have to take a measurement and it may come very close. But the idea that the accuracy of a measurement that is that close in a game involving so much imprecise movement over multiple turns is anything other than capricious is just not reality based. If you hit your enemy and win by a millimeter, or miss your enemy and lose by a millimeter it’s no less random than the dice roll. You don’t “earn” your dice rolls. You get what you get. If you have won or lost a game on points based on a measurement of less than half a cm at Legion you got lucky. That’s all.

Any advantage or disadvantage from size variance in an unofficial legion base (again, within reason - assuming the base is intended to be the same diameter) is not going to matter. If it does, then I don’t want to play a game with Legion’s movement system because it is not accurate enough for such a demanding game. And we need to start disqualifying anyone who knocks over a model (which last time I checked was literally everyone). Because that amount of “unearned” positioning in the game is unacceptable. Let’s not forgot that whatever advantage or disadvantage comes from minor variance n base size is player neutral as well. If he might be slightly out of range of your attacks you will be slightly out of range if his. So for me, it’s a neutral minor variance in a game system that is absolutely brimming with minor variances. It makes me wonder how you could possibly tolerate dice rolls in the game you imagine you are playing.

@BigBadAndy Again, I'm not saying *I* have a problem or opinion but that the O fficial Tournament Regulations from FFG have rules about bases and what is considered acceptable that are left up to the discretion of the Tournament organizer/judges.


• Players cannot modify minis or use bases to significantly alter their size, height, or shape. The marshal is responsible for determining the legality of any miniature modifications. Players that have made more than minor alterations should check with the marshal before an event to determine if their mini or official terrain is legal. The marshal at a Relaxed event will likely be more flexible than at a Formal event when determining a mini’s legality, while the marshal may allow the least flexibility at Premier events.

• Players may modify or replace individual bases, but the modified or new base must work with official movement tools, have generally the same diameter and size as the original, and clearly and accurately delineate any firing arcs that miniature has.

Final adjudication is by the TO, which may feel that the base height or diameter matters. So if you want to be able to play in all tournaments without problem, it's best to stick to exact same dimensions as the original bases.

I said I didn't care for casual play since that is the *only* time my opinion comes into play. For Official Play, it doesn't really matter if I care, so long as the TO doesn't care.

On 2/6/2019 at 7:29 PM, docForsaken said:

Anyone know a spot for good replacement bases. I may just pony up for the fancy new ones, but I'd rather just get a bunch of the regular black and maroon ones.

Yes. Buy the neutral "priority supplies" expansion, it comes with 12 bases. No one actually uses them on their crates and vaporators that I know of. I have some extras from those I'll sell you cheap if you need a few.

Edited by TauntaunScout
7 hours ago, BigBadAndy said:

Obviously @Tokous and @Caimheul1313 you guys have a right to feel however you want. But I have to tell you that if you think that “unofficial” bases are going to introduce more variance into the game than the actual humans moving the pieces around, I think you are kidding yourselves. At some point you may have to take a measurement and it may come very close. But the idea that the accuracy of a measurement that is that close in a game involving so much imprecise movement over multiple turns is anything other than capricious is just not reality based. If you hit your enemy and win by a millimeter, or miss your enemy and lose by a millimeter it’s no less random than the dice roll. You don’t “earn” your dice rolls. You get what you get. If you have won or lost a game on points based on a measurement of less than half a cm at Legion you got lucky. That’s all.

Any advantage or disadvantage from size variance in an unofficial legion base (again, within reason - assuming the base is intended to be the same diameter) is not going to matter. If it does, then I don’t want to play a game with Legion’s movement system because it is not accurate enough for such a demanding game. And we need to start disqualifying anyone who knocks over a model (which last time I checked was literally everyone). Because that amount of “unearned” positioning in the game is unacceptable. Let’s not forgot that whatever advantage or disadvantage comes from minor variance n base size is player neutral as well. If he might be slightly out of range of your attacks you will be slightly out of range if his. So for me, it’s a neutral minor variance in a game system that is absolutely brimming with minor variances. It makes me wonder how you could possibly tolerate dice rolls in the game you imagine you are playing.

And this is why I didn't get sucked into playing Warmachine the first time I tried... utterly garbage rules lawyering about bases in casual games. The second time I tried I just stalled out for artistic motivation, that model line is very, very specific.

But it's still the tournament organizer's call, in any tournament for any game.

Edited by TauntaunScout

I bought some sculpey push mold and will cast one of each type from my Core box before I assemble everything (probably never cause I get bogged down in conversions but whatever). Then I can cast my own.

The litko laser cut clear ones (you can get them on amazon) are the right diameter and the firing arcs match perfectly, but they're the wrong height which bothers me enough I won't use them.

It's ridiculous FFG doesn't sell a pack of standard bases.

2 hours ago, BucketheadBits said:

It's ridiculous FFG doesn't sell a pack of standard bases.

Why? They provide enough bases in the box for all of the miniatures in the box, and if you are missing some you can contact customer service. The primary reason one would need standard bases is because they are using a third party miniature, something that FFG has no financial incentive to encourage. If you want to make custom objective or condition tokens, the cardboard is (I think) 25mm, and unofficial tokens are not allowed for Organized play.

Edit: This is also a company that has said no dice are allowed to be used in the course of organized play for Keyforge, you have to use some other means of tracking numbers.

Edited by Caimheul1313
6 hours ago, BigBadAndy said:

Obviously @Tokous and @Caimheul1313 you guys have a right to feel however you want. But I have to tell you that if you think that “unofficial” bases are going to introduce more variance into the game than the actual humans moving the pieces around, I think you are kidding yourselves. At some point you may have to take a measurement and it may come very close. But the idea that the accuracy of a measurement that is that close in a game involving so much imprecise movement over multiple turns is anything other than capricious is just not reality based. If you hit your enemy and win by a millimeter, or miss your enemy and lose by a millimeter it’s no less random than the dice roll. You don’t “earn” your dice rolls. You get what you get. If you have won or lost a game on points based on a measurement of less than half a cm at Legion you got lucky. That’s all.

Any advantage or disadvantage from size variance in an unofficial legion base (again, within reason - assuming the base is intended to be the same diameter) is not going to matter. If it does, then I don’t want to play a game with Legion’s movement system because it is not accurate enough for such a demanding game. And we need to start disqualifying anyone who knocks over a model (which last time I checked was literally everyone). Because that amount of “unearned” positioning in the game is unacceptable. Let’s not forgot that whatever advantage or disadvantage comes from minor variance n base size is player neutral as well. If he might be slightly out of range of your attacks you will be slightly out of range if his. So for me, it’s a neutral minor variance in a game system that is absolutely brimming with minor variances. It makes me wonder how you could possibly tolerate dice rolls in the game you imagine you are playing.

You're not only incorrect on many things you said but also totally missed what we were saying. I'm sure I could speak for myself and Caimheul1313 that neither of us were saying anything about bases as this thing that disrupts the game far beyond what rules criminals do. That's like saying a gun all by itself is extremely deadly, no it's an inanimate object. Anyway, we were lightly addressing both our valid points and perspectives about bases in a friendly basis where is all this hate coming from!? its like you are twisting our words and blowing it far beyond out of proportion.

I already spoke the facts about measurement so if you don't understand then that's going have to be your problem. Not even sure why you are comparing dice with bases!??? Dice are random if used correctly, while oversized bases will by fact be able to move further than regular. AND, movement isn't random, if you know how to move you will be fine, it isn't random to be X amount of space away from something. I thought I explained it in simple terms, might have to make it even more simple then... If an object is 10 steps away going directly forward; Person A will need to make 10 steps to reach it, while person B only needs 9 since using a modification. Ignoring Person B for a moment...If person A moves any direction other than directly forward they by FACT will not reach the target which is not random, it was a choice to move off course and there is consequences to that action. Now if both go forward, do you really think its fair!?

Anyway, going back to what I was actually talking about... they should make transparent bases, game pieces should be same dimensions, and movement matters so don't make random moves.

@Tokous what are you talking about? I’m not hating anyone. And as far as “you are incorrect on many things” that doesn’t give me much to respond to. I’m pretty sure I’m not incorrect about anything but feel free to pull up a quote and explain what it is I’m wrong about.

I already mentioned it, but I learned sooooo long ago to not dwell upon what others don't understand. If you attempt to teach a kid that 2+2=4 but they think sooo strongly it =3. Well, when it comes down to it, you just know something they someday just maybe will understand, yet they will still say you are wrong even though you are right til that day. So in the end I really don't care, believe what you will man I already spoke the whole truth and I have nothing against you. Peace out.

4 minutes ago, Tokous said:

I already mentioned it, but I learned sooooo long ago to not dwell upon what others don't understand. If you attempt to teach a kid that 2+2=4 but they think sooo strongly it =3. Well, when it comes down to it, you just know something they someday just maybe will understand, yet they will still say you are wrong even though you are right til that day. So in the end I really don't care, believe what you will man I already spoke the whole truth and I have nothing against you. Peace out.

I’m pretty sure insulting my intelligence while you are busy lying about the conversation violates the forum rules.

You can suddenly start talking about “oversized bases” and pretending the conversation is different than it was - but newsflash genius - we can all read the thread. So yeah “peace out” indeed. Hopefully I never have to play a game against you because you seem super fun.

I'm no nerd measuring bases, maybe you have lol. I personally have absolutely no idea what the exact measurements of the bases of troops are in the boxes they come in, I'm just going off what others have said.. If the bases are indeed 28mm, well unless you failed at math guess what... 30mm is... surprise surprise... bigger! I can't even lessen my intelligence to understand how its okay if someone uses a larger base. Why stop there, why not add +1 range to only their units too. Add +1 health. Extra dice. It's amusing, almost airing on comedy central amusing to think i'm a villain or remotely wrong for saying it is unfair when it is unfair. I above and beyond made my point, do what you will and think what you want.

Edited by Tokous
5 hours ago, BucketheadBits said:

It's ridiculous FFG doesn't sell a pack of standard bases.

I have 24 laying around. I want to keep a few just in case. How many do you need?

Additionally, when it comes down to it, it is you who is violates forum regulations certainly not me. I was having a friendly conversation about perspectives which both were right, meanwhile you butt in saying all sorts of wrong things. So good luck with that.

We won't ever face each other, unless you do well in tournaments...Til then. I hope you the best.

Edited by Tokous
20 hours ago, Caimheul1313 said:

The primary reason one would need standard bases is because they are using a third party miniature, something that FFG has no financial incentive to encourage. 

It's not weird to want to magnetize multiple bases for a mini, especially for tourney compliance. Also, you're assuming the bases won't be sold at a profit, which isn't true they'll be sold at a greater profit than minis. Think about it, you don't need a new sculpt, you don't need new molds, you need less QC... Additionally, if I want to put a not-official mini on the board FFG has two options; sell me a base and make some money from my heresy or not sell me a base and I'll figure out some sort of alternative (which isn't that hard for somebody who's been in the hobby a long time).

There's a reason every other mini company sells their standard bases, it's because it makes them money.

22 hours ago, Tokous said:

I'm no nerd measuring bases, maybe you have lol. I personally have absolutely no idea what the exact measurements of the bases of troops are in the boxes they come in, I'm just going off what others have said.. If the bases are indeed 28mm, well unless you failed at math guess what... 30mm is... surprise surprise... bigger! I can't even lessen my intelligence to understand how its okay if someone uses a larger base. Why stop there, why not add +1 range to only their units too. Add +1 health. Extra dice. It's amusing, almost airing on comedy central amusing to think i'm a villain or remotely wrong for saying it is unfair when it is unfair. I above and beyond made my point, do what you will and think what you want.

Sigh. Once again, here is the first time anyone has mentioned either 28mm or 30mm bases. No one has ever been talking about “oversized bases.” No one has once ever said it’s okay for someone to use “larger bases.” Please pull up a quote. I dare you.

56 minutes ago, BigBadAndy said:

Sigh. Once again, here is the first time anyone has mentioned either 28mm or 30mm bases. No one has ever been talking about “oversized bases.” No one has once ever said it’s okay for someone to use “larger bases.” Please pull up a quote. I dare you.

LMAO it was yourself! OMG get over yourself and sit down.

On 2/8/2019 at 9:04 AM, BigBadAndy said:

If it was X-Wing I would somewhat inclined to agree. But Legion is not really a game of millimeters. If people are going to rules lawyer over bases (assuming the unofficial are reasonably close to the official bases in size) then my opinion is that it is more of an issue with the community than the bases. In a game where the official method for moving over a barricade is “hold the movement tool in the air as close as you can to the base you are trying to move,” I think getting wound up over the difference between a 30mm and 28mm base is not merited. I certainly wouldn’t have a problem playing against someone with a reasonably sized aftermarket base (not Crabbok’s ultimate Vader base).

Try again, I dare you.

drops mic.