Will you own both?

By bragi, in DungeonQuest

Since I own and enjoy the GW version, I don't plan on buying this edition, at least not for a long while; and definitely not until I've tried it a few times. If I didn't have that copy, I would buy this FFG version in a heartbeat.

Out of curiosity, how many of you own a complete, earlier version of the game, but are still planning on buy the FFG DungeonQuest?

I own a complete set of the GW Dungeonquest and I am giving serious consideration to buying this anyway.

FFG have a good track record for doing justice to long out of print games and they might just put enough into this one to make it worth owning along with the original.

I'm indifferent to the Terrinoth setting, and I don't fell that it will detract from this game as it is so self contained theme-wise.

Final call will be made when more info is available and the rules hopefully get released prior to the game coming out.

I agree with Talos. Reading the rules and seeing what differences there are, if any, will be a big determiner.

I have the original and both of the expansions and still play it regulary. I intend to pick up the new edition in the hope that some of the annoying things will be sorted out like the rules for most of the cards are scattered about in the 3 rulebooks (i hope everything you need to know be written on the cards).

I would of prefered if it wasnt set in Terrinoth, though i dont know nowt about the world i liked the slight sillyness of the GW original. Wasnt it set in the Talisman world?

Mind Robber said:

I have the original and both of the expansions and still play it regulary. I intend to pick up the new edition in the hope that some of the annoying things will be sorted out like the rules for most of the cards are scattered about in the 3 rulebooks (i hope everything you need to know be written on the cards).

I would of prefered if it wasnt set in Terrinoth, though i dont know nowt about the world i liked the slight sillyness of the GW original. Wasnt it set in the Talisman world?

I guess technically it took place in the same world as the GW Talisman (it has a Talisman logo on it). But it had more in common with HeroQuest (GW with Milton Bradley), or its cousin Warhammer Quest, since it used the same style cards, monsters, and Citadel Minis.

I own four different editions of this game already, and I can't wait to get this one and see what FFG is going to do with it!

I have the original version, in the Danish translation. No expansions.

So I'm tempted to get this latest edition. But the setting is a big deterrent.

If the artwork is as cartoonish as it have been in the other titles, I will pass. Otherwise I'll definately go for a copy.

I'm certainly in for a copy.

I don't get this problem people have with the change of setting, well given that there wasn't a particular setting for DQ anyway.

You could play this game with standard pawns and graph paper and it would still be exciting.

Me too. I have the original DQ and the expansions and will definitely be getting the new one.


Me too. I have the original DQ and the expansions and will definitely be getting the new one.


I cant wait. I just played the original the other night.

Me too, I'm going to buy it. I never played the original edition but the game look so godd that it willbe a master piece in my collection of games.

I bought the GW version and expansions when they first came out, but when I saw the news about the FFG reprint I practically jumped out of my chair! So yes, I definately intend to own both.

I own the original GW release of the game and both expansion sets. Unless they make some substantial changes to the game or the quality of the parts are drool worthy, I don't think I will bother buying the FFG release.

I just played this game again recently and had forgotten how punishing this game is. The odds are really stacked against the player that they will survive their trip into the Dungeon. I find this shocking cause I don't remember having a problem with the difficulty when I was 12.

I have the original and have only recently got the expansions (via ebay)

I'll probably end up buying it....do everything else... lol

One great game which I played recently and is begging for a re-release....BLOCK MANIA.....has 2 expansions (which i have)...and FFG could really to some great models to represent block units.......

I don't have the original, but if I did and already loved the game, I would probably buy the new version. I already did with Arkham Horror and Cosmic Encounter and FFG outdid all previous versions with those.

I am also disapointed that FFG set this in it's Terrinoth setting. Not because Terrinoth is a bad fantasy setting, simply because it's a shame to see recycled artwork in each of their releases. That said. I'll definitely be buying it, even though I own the GW edition and all it's expansions. I guess I'm just a sucker for FFG bling.

This release is some of the best news I've heard since Talisman was taken over by FFG. I have the GW edition + expansions and I will definitely be getting this one, too.

This is great news - I lent my copy out to a former gaming friend who I then didn't see again, some 15 years ago or so. I imagine he long since sold it or chucked it out, and I had purchased the first expansion. I loved the essential mechanic of exploration in the game, and the difficulty of the game as well. Combat was a little too simplistic if I remember rightly, and could do with a revamp, but much of the rest of the game was stolidly good quality.

ill be adding this game to my collection. for sure! aplauso.gif

I own the original GW game (without the expansions---don't worry, it still plays just fine with only the base game), and I would like to buy the new one, if for no other reason than to just see what FFG does with it. We're talking about a 23-year time difference here, so I would love to see the new version. I'm also expecting FFG to release expansions of their own, just like they've done with Talisman.

Own the original Swedish edition and everything published for the Games Workshop version.

Have already preordered the new FFG version, although I suspect I will not like it as much as the GW version.

Mik said:

Have already preordered the new FFG version, although I suspect I will not like it as much as the GW version.

I'm looking forward to it because they are combining the best of the original base game along with the original expansions. I don't know exactly what that will entail. I hope they do it good. serio.gif

I *love* the original DungeonQuest. I've got two copies, one for collecting, and one to play, with both expansions. I'm a big Talisman fan and given FFG's superb Talisman update, I don't think I'll be hesitating at all to pick up a new DQ. :)

Right now, I'd say I probably would not pick it up, since I have the GW version and that one plays fine. My past track record says that by the time it hits the shelves at my local gaming store though, my willpower will be shot and I'll pick it up because "It just looks so cool"... gran_risa.gif