SWAE Battles!

By Karneck, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Hope everyone enjoys something a bit different from SWAE!

An 800 point game Myself vs @Ardaedhel

Edited by Karneck

Nice rundown, Karneck, and it was a fun game to watch unfold! I'm pretty excited about the expanded format. A lot of the excitement on the forums seems to be about building big Imperial lists, and that was also in evidence in your Imp vs. Imp fratricidal game with @Ardaedhel . What are your thoughts on Rebel fleets with big ships? Are MC80's MC80L's, and MC75's going to be able to compete at 800+ points? Those angry space triangles look pretty imposing!

13 minutes ago, RobertK said:

Nice rundown, Karneck, and it was a fun game to watch unfold! I'm pretty excited about the expanded format. A lot of the excitement on the forums seems to be about building big Imperial lists, and that was also in evidence in your Imp vs. Imp fratricidal game with @Ardaedhel . What are your thoughts on Rebel fleets with big ships? Are MC80's MC80L's, and MC75's going to be able to compete at 800+ points? Those angry space triangles look pretty imposing!

I just made a bit of a comment on this here:

I think the Rebel fleets I'll want to field at the higher point costs will end up looking like 1-2 capital ships and a hodge-podge of cross-supporting smaller ships. That may just be personal preference though: I've never been a particular fan of the large Rebel ships.

38 minutes ago, RobertK said:

Nice rundown, Karneck, and it was a fun game to watch unfold! I'm pretty excited about the expanded format. A lot of the excitement on the forums seems to be about building big Imperial lists, and that was also in evidence in your Imp vs. Imp fratricidal game with @Ardaedhel . What are your thoughts on Rebel fleets with big ships? Are MC80's MC80L's, and MC75's going to be able to compete at 800+ points? Those angry space triangles look pretty imposing!

For all the imposing of the angry space triangle force, Rebels will absolutely stand a chance. Empire is paying a pretty penny to get those quality activations.
Lots of people are making big Empire lists because many Imperial players have never had the luxury of FIELDING so many ships before.

Rebel ships are absolutely just as good as Empire as both factions are well balanced, Rebel Large ships are tough nuts to crack (Doom pickle, dancing Libs) and can still hit just as hard as any ISD.

I didn't get a chance to view this write up, but most importantly....


my hope is that this mode is going to be an absolute blast. I've played a fair number of pre-officially-recognized large point games, and some weird things happen... activations mean less, getting forked is absolutely 100% going to happen so things are going to DIE....

It's a lot of fun! I love big games, especially since so much of the "not great" competitive options come into play in weird fun ways. Isard for instance.... when you need to figure out which ship is most likely to live through a strong fork, she isn't entirely pointless haha.

The 800 point game was loads of fun!

Forking is key, and a big last/first activation really isn't the end all be all.

Enjoy our second match up!

Edited by Karneck

Next up! Are two games @shmitty and I got to play yesterday!
Fleet lists are posted on the video descriptions on youtube.

Karneck's Raddus vs Shmittys dumpster fire.

Edited by Karneck

Shmittys Raddus vs Karnecks Motti Ruthless bombers.

Edited by Karneck

400 point battle! Karneck v @Rikash - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

Edited by Karneck

Karnecks vs I am a Potato