We have been going over the Ascension rules since my campaign has recently moved into that level of game play (Tattered Fates is a good transition adventure since it strips them of their gear in the beginning, so no weirdness with gettting new gear at Ascension) and the "This One Thing I Ask...." rule for Influence tests seems really broken. I posted in another section about how one of my characters is already planning a Naval Cruiser, Stormtrooper Company and a Space Marine squad as PERMANENT simply by burning 1d5 Influence for each Test. His argument is that a loss of 3 to 15 Influence (averages about 9 total) is worth having their own ship-of-the-line, grunts and elite Astartes warriors. As long as their modifiers allow them to have even a 1% chance of success on the roll, then they can use the "This One Thing.." rule to auto-succeed.
My suggestions to ton this down are:
1. Instead of burning 1d5 Influence for an auto-success, the character must burn a Fate Point instead. This will be a much rarer occurance as the characters manipulate fate to an auto-success. Basically, they will only use it when they think it is That Important.
2. Instead of a random loss of Influence, the characters can burn Influence at a rate of 1 point per +20% to the Influence Test (comes out to 5 points for +100% which is closer to the cost with the original rule but still has a chance of failure.)
Any other suggestions would be great. I have yet to make a ruling on this in my campaign and I would like to say I had some open feedback before making a change to the rules in the book.