Torn between two Vader lists

By Zeph01, in Army Building

Hey Guys! I'm torn between two Vader lists. Wanted to know what you guys think:

Darth Vader - Saber throw, force reflexes, force choke - 230 pts

Stormtroopers + DLT 68

Stormtroopers + DLT 68

Stormtroopers + DLT 68

Snowtroopers +flametroopper 68

Scout trooper strike team + Sniper 44

Scout trooper strike team + Sniper 44

Imperial Royal Guards + Electrostaff guard 100

E Web 55

Eweb 55

Total 800


I'm thinking to take out one E web and just add an extra storm/snowtrooper personal to each squad, maybe impact nades/tenacity on the guards. I play against a lot of pierce (seems to be the "balance" ffg came up with to counter red defense die). Just torn if I should go activations above beefing up the squads. Thank you for the input!

I think it looks fine as is. Guards don't need nades, because if they are in range 1, they should be charging (black/red is better than just red, at range 2 they're better off shooting 2 black is same as 1 red actually even with the surge)

My personnal vader list, after a few testing :

Vader : Saber Throw, Force Reflexes

1 Snowtrooper with flametrooper, impact grenades, recon intel and snowtrooper

1 Snowtrooper with flametrooper, Frag grenades and snowtrooper

1 Snowtroopers with flametrooper, Frag grenades, recon intel and snowtrooper

3 Stormtroopers with DLT-19

1 Imperial Guards with Electrostaff, Emergency Stims and Tenacity.

I did not find E-web decent enough for this type of list. More troopers than do not leave the board (thanks to vader), with the relentless and implacable march of Snow, Vader and Guards.

The "pro tip" is to use "New Ways to Motivate Them" on the Royal Guards. This trigger both the Tenacity and allow 3 move actions to get that sweet charge from across the field. DLT + Vader + Impact grenades on one of the Snow unit allow a quite descent protection against eventual rush of Flamethrower AT-RT, and DLT can manage long rang support.

I'm looking forward the eventual possibility of using the futur tank (which is open topped) of the empire to put an E-Web in it and be able (eventually thanks to open) to fire outside.