Dear all,
I am starting a new campain as an Arbiter who is the group face/scholar and will later branch into Sage. My character does not know that he is force sensitive and know very little of the Jedi, so I won't take anything related to those. I was wondering what could be a good starting gear set with 500 credits. The campain will be a treasure quest like where we should visit several planets. However, I have no clue if it will be more wilderness of city oriented. I guess a bit of both.
So far, I have:
Comlink (handheld) (25 credits)
Utility belt (25 credits)
Backpack (50 credits)
Datapad (75 credits)
Heavy clothing (50 credits)
Few other ideas:
Water purifier ( 50 or 100 credits, the one from Disciples of Harmony and Savage Spirits seems identical but the price is different. Am I missing something?)
A MK III or MK IV (which one?) modular backpack instead of the standard one?
Data google (250 credits) : I guess it could be interesting with his scholar background and future Sage
Thanks for your help and advices.