Hey guys! I've been working on a storage solution for the complete v2 collection (minus the conversion kit). I have (finally) finished all my boxes and uploaded everything to Thingiverse! Here is the link:
It is composed of four boxes:
- The main box, containing everything to play against the application
- The overlord box, containing everything to play against an Overlord
- The quest and characters box, containing all the characters sheets, class decks, familiars and quests
- The small tiles box, containing all the smaller tiles (end cap, extenders, etc...) and doors
Everything have been designed to reduce the setup time as much as possible. You basically put it on the table, open it, and it's playable. The instructions are included and everything should be fairly simple to print (as long as you have a large printer). Feel free to comment and ask me if you have any problem. Cheers!