Dials in app.

By LinkDirector, in X-Wing Squad Builder

I've commented on this before, but need to know. When? Or even if? At this point I believe FFG doesn't want the community to have, at it's fingertips, an official means to see another dial during tournaments. Change my mind.

Yeah, I'm really surprised this one has been taking so long to implement.

Another vote for dials in the app.

It is beyond annoying when squad building to not be able to see what moves are red or blue for certain triggers, or if a ship has SLoops, TRolls, or KTurns. Not to mention when you are at an event and you have to ask your opponent to see his dial to see what his options are.

Put it in the App please.

On 2/3/2019 at 4:23 AM, LinkDirector said:

I've commented on this before, but need to know. When? Or even if? At this point I believe FFG doesn't want the community to have, at it's fingertips, an official means to see another dial during tournaments. Change my mind.

this is how I see it, and from a purely commercial point of view it gives you a reason to go buy the ship.

If you put cards and dials in app, for some individuals would be a good enough reason to go and buy used ship only deals.

Sure, this would be a tiny minority of course.

I would see this as a commercially driven decision, that said I do miss the grid layout of moves that used to come with the 1.0 expansions not being in 2.0, they were handy references to have and keep with the cards.

On 2/14/2019 at 4:44 AM, Kaleb daark said:

this is how I see it, and from a purely commercial point of view it gives you a reason to go buy the ship.

If you put cards and dials in app, for some individuals would be a good enough reason to go and buy used ship only deals.

Sure, this would be a tiny minority of course.

I would see this as a commercially driven decision, that said I do miss the grid layout of moves that used to come with the 1.0 expansions not being in 2.0, they were handy references to have and keep with the cards.

That is not what people mean when they say "dials in the app". They don't mean "allow us to set a dial in the app for the purposes of playing the game".

They mean "put the dial reference in the app (like many 3rd party apps do) in order for a player to quickly reference what dial options are available to their opponent without having to request the opponent show them their dial which can give away potential information such as the intent to block or the expectation that the opponent will choose a blue maneuver."

As you already mentioned, the dial reference cards were/are nice. Those could instead be shown in the app.

Edited by BlackHalo2

Maneuver chart in the app is a key feature for me.

I agree this would be good.

My three personal ideals for the squad builder:

  • See potential manouvres and colours
  • "Duplicate" option to allow me to one-click-add an identical ship
  • The ability to build squads by quick-build cards.

5 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

I agree this would be good.

My three personal ideals for the squad builder:

  • See potential manouvres and colours
  • "Duplicate" option to allow me to one-click-add an identical ship
  • The ability to build squads by quick-build cards.

I would love all of that!

On 2/14/2019 at 3:44 AM, Kaleb daark said:

this is how I see it, and from a purely commercial point of view it gives you a reason to go buy the ship.

If you put cards and dials in app, for some individuals would be a good enough reason to go and buy used ship only deals.

Sure, this would be a tiny minority of course.

I would see this as a commercially driven decision, that said I do miss the grid layout of moves that used to come with the 1.0 expansions not being in 2.0, they were handy references to have and keep with the cards.

What are you smoking?

Having a dial picture or the maneuver chart in the app would not effect sales in anyway (it might even increase them because the app would be more usable and the game more friendly)

It sucks building a list and having no reference to the maneuvers of the ships. I do not think anyone is asking for an electronic dial you can set (i assume that's what you are talking about) we just want to see what the ship can do when we squad build.

13 hours ago, Icelom said:

It sucks building a list and having no reference to the maneuvers of the ships. I do not think anyone is asking for an electronic dial you can set (i assume that's what you are talking about) we just want to see what the ship can do when we squad build.

This. Knowing what a ship is capable of is not the same as not needing a physical dial to play with it.

Ideally, it'd be able to take into account stuff like R4, but that might be asking too much - or at least, require some way of ensuring the difference between a ship's natural dial and altered dial is obviously visible (the squad builder doesn't update a ship's printed stats to account for a shield upgrade or similar, either).

The APP now shows the maneuvers for a ship!!!

30 minutes ago, Frimmel said:

The APP now shows the maneuvers for a ship!!!

Just saw that, kudos to the software devs.

46 minutes ago, Frimmel said:

The APP now shows the maneuvers for a ship!!!

15 minutes ago, Burius1981 said:

Just saw that, kudos to the software devs.

Browser only atm it seems. Mobile hasn't updated.

Yeah, but since it's in the browser it should be coming to the app soonish.

I'm just glad it came at all. Maybe we'll get the additional ways to sort our saved lists. With soon to be seven factions it is going to be a little cumbersome trying to find lists.

Even after the mobile app updated, there does not seem to be a way to access the maneuvers for individual ships in the mobile format. Anyone else still experiencing these issues? Or can maybe tell me where to find them?

Ok is it just me or do you have to add a ship to a squad to see its dial (and only then after clicking an icon)? Isn't the whole point to see the dials so you can help decide what to use in the first place?

Between that and the dial not being visible on the mobile browser (er... "app") we haven't made any real progress in making the official builder any more useful.

On 3/11/2019 at 6:55 PM, Icelom said:

What are you smoking?

Having a dial picture or the maneuver chart in the app would not effect sales in anyway (it might even increase them because the app would be more usable and the game more friendly)

It sucks building a list and having no reference to the maneuvers of the ships. I do not think anyone is asking for an electronic dial you can set (i assume that's what you are talking about) we just want to see what the ship can do when we squad build.

i'd actually really like to see the manoeuvres grid like you used to get in v1 in the app. it would be really useful for sure.

so smoking nothing - thanks for asking.

On 3/20/2019 at 12:56 PM, Frimmel said:

The APP now shows the maneuvers for a ship!!!

I wish it would update the maneuver difficulty after adding upgrade cards like R4. It would be so great to see the updated maneuvers while planning out a new squadron.