Regionals Win with MSU

By LTD, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Congratulations! Time for the Return of the MSU!

Nice write up! Thank you!

Until recently, I never saw Liberties around here at tournaments. I brought mine to be an anti-meta hipster.

You Aussies seem to love them Lib's. I lived down there for 7 weeks, 8 years ago - but I must have caught the vibe. Oi!

Great write-up. Thanks for keeping the MSU on the map!

It is a peculiar meta, I agree.

Lots of Liberties taken.

We have a mix of old hands and newish players, and the lists reflect this in lots of ways.

Sorry - should be Quad Turbolasers Cannons, not dual.

My error. Though he has yet to send me the correct and full list...
