Official English FAQ?

By BranWheatKillah, in Anima: Tactics

I've been over to the other forums, Edgeent, or something of the sort and I've noticed people referencing official rules but people have said their is no official English FAQ. Does anyone know why this is and whether or not Fantasy Flight might go about working on one?

I would think after having been in the US for a few years now that this game would see a solid list of rulings over the questions that people have.

Most of the time people are responding to official clarrifications posted by "Anima Studios" over on the Edge forums.

The new rulebook included a lot of additional information/decriptions on rules which essentially covered a lot of those responses. Many of the questions being answered now relate to characters from Saga 3 or are clarrifications of rules for very specific situations.

Not really a FAQ kind of thing seeing as Anima Studios plans to release a Saga Book that will contain rules updates and character info with each Saga. HAving said that someone was gathering all the official clarrifications into an online FAQ a while ago over on the other forums.

- Raith

Some of us on the official Anima Forums decided this would be a good idea; so here's the 'Official' FAQ from Anima Studios posts on the Rules board. It is being updated as it is added to on the boards and I'll be continuing to PDF it and post it on Google Docs. :)