Hello community! Pursuant to my balance survey , I've put together a package of suggested changes to improve the health of the game. Some are small, sensible, and crowd-sourced, others are larger and more controversial, reinforcing my perceptions of design intent and unit theme. This thread is meant to be a place to share playtest experience more than suggestions for ways to change units, but I'm not a cop, follow your heart.
I am concerned that I'm trying for too many changes all at once, but I feel pretty strongly about them all. Outside of Latari, any given list is likely to encounter one or two of them, plus the blanket change to terrain, so I feel it should be manageable.
Realistically, we need an impossible amount of feedback to get a real sense of certification for any changes, but I'll take whatever you feel like giving me! As a rough guideline, here's a format to help figure things out:
Army List #1:
Army List #2:
Deployment and Scenario used:
Something that really stood out by performing well:
Something that really stood out by performing poorly:
General impressions: