Rise of the Separatists - Anybody know what's going on?

By ddtrujillo95, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

2 hours ago, MrTInce said:

You've made a fair point there. Wizards pump out content at a much better and consistent pace than FFG and offer a lot of free stuff (unearthed arcana) aswell. I'm guessing it is because the SWRPG isn't a big money spinner.

That might be it, but then you'd think if they wanted more consistent money than they would introduce regular doses of new content. All those pre-orders would become cash overnight and the books routinely sell out the first run at the printer before long. The longer the delay, the longer it takes to get a return on their investment.

I also wonder the delay is caused because it all has to be checked by lucas films to ensure it doesn't contradict anything from canon.

1 hour ago, MrTInce said:

I also wonder the delay is caused because it all has to be checked by lucas films to ensure it doesn't contradict anything from canon.

They didn't care about this a few years ago, and I'm not sure they really do now. There have been only a few "hard stops" that I was aware of (like the fact that FFG cannot split the Gungans into two subspecies like WotC did), but there has been a lot of Legends in the books. Of course, the "No Bothans in the German books" thing might be a sign...

8 minutes ago, GroggyGolem said:

I love it. Everyone's like where's this super delayed book? *FFG employs some sleight of hand* https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2019/3/8/collapse-of-the-republic/


Collapse of the Republic explores the latter days of the Clone Wars, following on the events described in Rise of the Separatists,

I'm sure it does follow the events. If only we knew what events were described in Rise of the Separatists FFG!

So here's the new formula for when to expect a SWRPG release - FFG Official Announcement * 2 years + no communication = we will buy it anyway!

4 minutes ago, darthdoug said:

So here's the new formula for when to expect a SWRPG release - FFG Official Announcement * 2 years + no communication = we will buy it anyway!

As the Official Forum Prophet and Data Nerd, I can confirm this is an accurate formula.

10/10, would calculate again.

5 hours ago, Absol197 said:

As the Official Forum Prophet and Data Nerd, I can confirm this is an accurate formula.

10/10, would calculate again.

Well it will be interesting to see if the new book the Collapse of the Republic will come out before Rise of the Separatist's .

Edited by Eoen

I bet they are going to release it all on Star Wars Celebration. Though amazon says that the Rise of the Speratist will come out April 19th

Part of me is wondering if they were working on Rise of the Separatists as the started up Collapse, meaning to have them out a few months apart and Collapse of the Republic is actually what caused the delay.

On 2/8/2019 at 10:27 PM, Khazadune said:

I suggest you write to FFG and ask. They may give you a standard line but then again when we all did for Fully Operational it came out a week later... probably coincidence, but you literally have nothing to lose, as the average for books these days are longer than the lifecycle of some RPGs lol.

I did this as per someone else’s suggestion on here. I got a standard line of “we’re not allowed to release that information, thanks for your interest!”

I do think that showing there’s a new sourcebook for a continuation of material they haven’t released yet without giving us at least an update is in very poor taste.

But hey, what are we really going to do? NOT buy the stuff when it finally releases? Pfffft, ha!

This smells suspiciously like trying to cash in on the same era twice. This book should have been part of the Clone Wars era sourcebook. This artifical stretching of content, preventing anyone to use the complete content until BOTH are released (which looks insanely far off at this time), is very disappointing.

56 minutes ago, Kaiju said:

This smells suspiciously like trying to cash in on the same era twice. This book should have been part of the Clone Wars era sourcebook. This artifical stretching of content, preventing anyone to use the complete content until BOTH are released (which looks insanely far off at this time), is very disappointing.

This isn't much different from the complaints that came out when FFG revealed that it was splitting the game into three lines. Stretching of content and the need to get it all before it is "complete" along with the "insanely far off" worries check all the same boxes.

54 minutes ago, Kaiju said:

This smells suspiciously like trying to cash in on the same era twice. This book should have been part of the Clone Wars era sourcebook. This artifical stretching of content, preventing anyone to use the complete content until BOTH are released (which looks insanely far off at this time), is very disappointing.

I don’t agree I feel like one is episode 1 and before. the other is post episode 3 that’s about a 10 year span

Now I wish they were not put out back to back though and I whoud LOVE some post RotJ books

I rather not have a 4th core book with 60% of it being reprinted info (I have 2 core books I rather have 1 core then have a a Jedi book and a fringe book and then a rebels book and save $20 for cut and paste info)

The addition of Collapse of The Republic seems odd to me. I'm currently running a campaign set in that era, and I can't imagine much changes in the two years or so from the start of the clone wars to the end of it.

The only reason I can think of that they would focus so hard on the gap between the prequels and OT is that they're not allowed to do anything in the Old Republic or the Sequel Trilogy. However, there was the Force Awakens beginner's game so who even knows.

I'd just love to get an actual schedule on these releases or any amount of communication from FFG. We're just left in the wind so often.

2 hours ago, Uninvitedhaggis said:

The only reason I can think of that they would focus so hard on the gap between the prequels and OT is that they're not allowed to do anything in the Old Republic or the Sequel Trilogy. However, there was the Force Awakens beginner's game so who even knows.

Can't speak for the KOTOR/SWTOR eras, but with the sequel era it's probably more the case that Sam wants to wait until Episode 9 is released and they know how the story goes before they really delve into producing a era-splat for that time frame. TFA Beginner Box didn't really offer much new in terms of the galaxy, and frankly it can be used for any era, such as Clone Wars or Rebellion, with just a few name changes, swapping out Jakku for some other desert wasteland planet and First Order for either Empire or Separatists.

On 3/9/2019 at 9:12 AM, HappyDaze said:

This isn't much different from the complaints that came out when FFG revealed that it was splitting the game into three lines. Stretching of content and the need to get it all before it is "complete" along with the "insanely far off" worries check all the same boxes.

As long as we get a decent amount of new ships and other hardware in each book I'll be content.

Still no word on official release...

Everyone shh maybe they push it back a week each time there’s s peep here 🤫

Edited by Zuldan

https://www   .reddit.com/r/swrpg/comments/b6xjcl/rise_of_the_separatists_delayed_again  /

1 hour ago, salamar_dree said:

https://www   .reddit.com/r/swrpg/c  omments/b6xjcl/rise_of_the_separatists_delayed_again  /

If accurate, that indeed freaking sucks. This book is starting to turn into another TFU Campaign Guide only without having a Lucasfilm-mandated tie-in event to blame for the continuing delays.

Worth remembering when looking at that “end of June” date: that’s the end of Q2. Tomorrow is the end of Q1, so it obviously won’t drop in Q1. Without an available release date, many retailers will adjust expected arrival date to the end of the quarter.

I just looked on Amazon to see if there was any information. Amazon UK aren't even listing it, but Amazon US has shown as available from two marketplace retailers. One says it'll be released April 24th, the other says that it's due in stock April 30th. I know we can't treat this as gospel, but maybe cause to be cautiously optimistic?

2 hours ago, Dafydd said:

I just looked on Amazon to see if there was any information. Amazon UK aren't even listing it, but Amazon US has shown as available from two marketplace retailers. One says it'll be released April 24th, the other says that it's due in stock April 30th. I know we can't treat this as gospel, but maybe cause to be cautiously optimistic?

I would emphasize the "cautious" part of that. Maybe they know something we don't and maybe they know just as much and are trying to guess as close as possible. Three weeks can be pushed back for a long time, so my bet is that they've changed the goal to announce shipment with Star Wars Celebration. They won't sell it there, but it would at least be an extra thing they could announce and make the most of the situation.

14 hours ago, evo454 said:

I would emphasize the "cautious" part of that. Maybe they know something we don't and maybe they know just as much and are trying to guess as close as possible. Three weeks can be pushed back for a long time, so my bet is that they've changed the goal to announce shipment with Star Wars Celebration. They won't sell it there, but it would at least be an extra thing they could announce and make the most of the situation.

I couldn't help noticing that Allies & Adversaries has moved to On The Boat - on April Fool's Day. I feel like we're being trolled...