Token of Affection Questions

By Izeeto, in Star Wars: Destiny

( Token of Affection = TOA )

After i play an ambush card i can move the TOA to another character,

scenario: Roll TOA - Play an ambush card - move TOA to another character

does this now mean on my next action I can ( basically ) reroll that dice if the character that i moved TOA to, has yet to be activated?

Even though i already rolled and used that dice on another character.

I want to say yes. Think of it as redeploy, if a character dies and you redeploy the equipment to a character who has not rolled in yet, you may then roll that dice in when you activate that character. If you follow this scenario It should not be an issue.

Roll in TOA -> Opponents turn -> Your turn: Play an ambush card (Hidden Blaster for example)-> Move TOA to another character -> Roll in character that now has TOA with your additional action from Hidden Blaster

Regardless if the die was resolved or in your pool you can still move TOA to another character and the dice goes with it.

Edited by KingBlade

Yes you may move it to another character after you play a card with ambush. (This is what it is designed to do). The die will return to the card when you move it but you can have multiple activations and resolutions of it if you have enough characters and ambush cards each turn.