Advice with shadow/seer build

By Dbrowne1974, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

So stating a new campaign here in a week or so and I've decide to get out of my comfort zone and make a force user. So a little of the backstory, she's a clawdite born on Nal Hutta. Her parents were spies for one of the various Hutt cartels, unfortunately her parents were killed(murdered??) while on a mission and the cartels took her in raised into the family business. That's barebones I have more and plan on fleshing out as the story progresses. So while she can use the Force she actually doesn't know she using it, it's more of a reflex for her. The powers I chose, which I'll get here soon, are relatively passive. So the the clawdite base stats are 222312 and I bumped them to 332412. the three main stats i wanted to bump were cunning, agility, brawn then later willpower. Brawn got bumped to help with resilience rolls and agility for stealth and shooting. Bought into enhance to assist with help with resilience rolls. Dipped into misdirect and influence to help with overall stealthiness. For specialization started with shadow and bought into all of the indistinguishable. And for seer bought straight to the extra force rating. She currently doesn't have a lightsaber but she will eventually get one. Right now her weapon of choice is a modded Verpine heavy shatter gun. When she does get a saber will most likely buy into Shien first then possibly Soresu and then into Juyo (I've always liked that form). Those last ideas aren't set in stone just ideas rattling around in my head. Sarting exp was 105 and then an additional 150 for knight lvl. Any advice is appreciated.

Little confused why you're so worried about Resilience rolls, and why you're investing so much into strengthening that (I don't think anyone goes into the Enhance, Brawn "path" unless they're keeping that as their 'saber stat, or are trying to Tank)... same for Indistinguishable, kind of niche pursuit when there's a FR and Dedication to be working toward...

Misdirect isn't a bad "dip", but Influence really requires at least moderate investment in it before it starts to pay off, IMO (tho I think all Force Powers benefit immensely from at least moderate investment truly).

And three saber Specs is... a lot. Even if you're planning, like, 1,000 XP down the road. And you're looking at that progression as your next series of moves?

This PC seems like a bit of a mess to me. But YMMV

To shape change I need to make an average resilience check I would just like to maker that a little more consistent for my rolls. And that was reason for me dipping into Enhance. And I get what you're saying about Indistinguishabl  e but I mostly chose because it fits with the backstory and theme of the character. And the saber specs are a lot but like I said just ideas at then moment, as the story progress so might my ideas for the character. This is my first foray into using anything force related, I've always been the sniper/overwatch character, so I'm in a bit over my head when comes to trying decide how best to spend the points. I do appreciate the feedback though.

Ah, sorry, wasn't familiar enough with Clawdites Shapeshifting ability, thought it was all a Deception thing...

The build does make more sense now. And that's certainly an ability worth building a concept around. Though if that's the plan, you could look for more and better synergies, I think...

Still don't agree with the Indistinguishable. Your shapechanging really does make that Talent a lot less useful. IMO, you need to be looking at augmenting Deception (and to always be chasing those Force Rating bumps, it's what allows FUs to shine, otherwise you'd probably be better off with a "mundane" Spec).

RE: the Enhance Power Brawn path, if you're going to the Resilience boost, I'd say plan on going all the way in it, for the Commit>Brawn. That extra die is a big buff to Shapechanging for pretty cheap (just 15 more XP), when you don't have many other options (i.e. there's no "Aim" maneuver to Boost Resilience), and while you really don't want that Shapeshifting Check to fail when you need it to succeed, you'd also probably never want to drop a Dedication on it, as you have higher priority Characteristics IMO...

The main reason I say not to look at the Lightsaber specs too hard is because this isn't a primary combatant PC, and even for someone who wants to be the Muscle the LS Specs have diminishing returns, AND most of them require a lot of XP to get the most out of, and they don't have the FR bumps. Shien? Sure, it's a great LS Spec and synergizes well with the rest of the build. But the rest of that synergy in this build is around Cunning, and Infiltration tasks, and specifically Social Infiltration, IMO.

Shroud will be important to masking your Force Signature. No good posing as a Stormtrooper or Officer or whatever if that Inquisitor doesn't even have to look at you to be interested in you.

Cunning/Deception is of course your everything. Because even if you're not trying to imitate someone specific, you're gonna be having to lie your **** off to get the most out of Shapechanging (via social infiltration tactics; hiding in plain sight), as well as of course Shien Technique.

Influence with the Social Skill Control Upgrade therefore will be really important to you, and would make you a passable "Face" in all regards (after you get a couple FR bumps) even though you don't have a good Presence.

With your Willpower being so crap, you're definitely right in avoiding any Powers that require an opposed check like the plague. Continue to do so.

I could see the Sense Power with the Read Thoughts Control Upgrade being VERY handy for social infiltration...

Your best use of Misdirect, IMO, would be in using it to tow someone(s) else along with you on your infiltrations. Which means Duration and Range Upgrades at a minimum, if not Magnitude, even the Appearance Control. I'd want to go heavy in it.

Anyway, sorry for the first post, didn't do my research. Have fun!