Ti4 - necro virus questions

By Dreathan, in Twilight Imperium

Can nekro still gain technology if the only hits produced where done by card couragoes to the end (and no ships survived space combat on nekro side)?
We are evenly splitted 50/50 to yes/no.
For me assigning hits still has to take place, so it's step of combat.
For no - its after unit has been destroyed so hits has been already assigned.



What about
nekro asimilitor and Wormhole Generator?

Can they both (nekro and ghosts) move same token in status phase? Or is it like in TI3, where moved token couldnt be moved by next player?

Edited by Dreathan

hooliganj -6UTC

For the timing - there is always, always , always , ALWAYS a timing window where you can respond to things. This even overrides the use of "immediately" when it comes to the end of combat.
Edited by Dreepa

I would have to agree that it counts, since assigning hits is step 4 in space combat and their are 5 steps in space combat listed. If you are using the Living Rules Reference (one with the Errata and rules clarifications) 67.9 says space combat ends immediately when only one player has ships left in the system. Since that is listed under "step 5" and not "step 4 assign hits" (which is the timing window when Courageous to the end is used) I feel that is within the faction ability and should be awarded the tech.

Obviously I'm not the official rule guy but that is how I see it.

Since we are on the topic of Nekro Virus I want to get the communities interpretation on that Nekro tech steal ability. Per the ability it says "Once per combat after a unit is destroyed gain 1 tech," so in theory they could gain three techs on one turn? If Nekro attacks a two planet system with an enemy infantry on each planet and ships in the system and the virus attacks, kills the ships during space combat (1 tech) then takes over both planets, thereby killing 1 inf on both planets and gain two more tech since each planet is a separate ground combat for a total of three techs. Is that how everyone else plays it? Or do you say 1 for space combat and 1 for ground combat for a total of two?


I for one would say three tech since the ability does say " Once per combat" and not "Once per activation" or "Once per type of combat".

thanks all

What about
nekro asimilitor and Wormhole Generator?

Can they both (nekro and ghosts) move same token in status phase? Or is it like in TI3, where moved token couldnt be moved by next player?

Edited by Dreathan

I think so long as the player order is done per speaker order it would be valid for the later player to also move the token.

1 hour ago, Husker949 said:

I think so long as the player order is done per speaker order it would be valid for the later player to also move the token.

You are wrong IMO...
Technology allows you to move token on beggining of status phase. Which means it happens before step 1 (score obj)
Last step is to return all strategy cards.

So if you got strategy cards, it means you got intitative number. If timing of something in play is same, then intiative resolves who does it first.
Which in this scenario means it would be better to have intiative 8 instead of 1 to move token. Unless we can use TI3 rules which stated that once moved token cant be moved again in same status

I stand corrected, I thought the text on the card was in the strategy phase not status phase. In that case it would be initiative order, and I agree Imperial would be the best to have at that time for it.

18 minutes ago, Husker949 said:

I stand corrected, I thought the text on the card was in the strategy phase not status phase. In that case it would be initiative order, and I agree Imperial would be the best to have at that time for it.

Dont you think its kinda stupid?
Game always flavours people with lower intitative. Scoring obj, playing action cards which have same timing etc etc.
And this is the only exception of this mechanism where it's better to have imperial instead of leadership? It doesn't make any sense to me.

If you truly wanted to exploit it, then always taking a higher number would be in your favor, but if you do that you could be tanking some of the other things that you should/could be doing instead because you are only trying to place a wormhole token on the board. If it works for strategy then great but I don't really see it being any game breaking ability.

It makes ghosts technology useless. You will never be able to use it against necro.
For some reason it had extra rule in errata in TI3 didnt it?

I never played TI3, but I don't think that it makes the tech useless versus Necro. There should be other techs that Necro should be going after that could benefit them way more than that. Dimensional Splicer is a prime example, and if Mentak are on the board Non-Euclidean Geometry is a key one to take. The ability to move the wormhole token around the board is not as powerful as some of the others. Plus, they can only use the Alpha to go to Alpha or Beta to go to Beta, Ghosts can use it for anything. If you really wanted you could set up deals with it as well to prevent them from screwing you over more than maybe the table lead or another neighbor at the table.

If you think dimensional splicer is more usefull than wormhole token then sorry. You know nothing about the game.
Anyways i know your opinion so I'll wait for others to respond as this discussion leads to nowhere.