1st Preview for Mists of Zanaga

By Frog, in Runebound

Sounds really good. Notice this expansion has a large number of cards and what appears to be a lunar/solar eclipse phase.



Mists of Zanaga adds a colorful new board overlay, depicting the wild jungles and swamps of Zanaga. Six brand new heroes will be able to explore this new continent, uncovering the secrets of the makhim’s rituals, encounter wandering monsters, and hunt for the elusive Lost City. Adding all-new gameplay mechanics, a variety of primal gods to face, and over 165 new cards to bring this lush landscape to life, Mists of Zanaga creates a totally new way to play Runebound. Search out the secrets of the primal gods’ power and help summon them to free Zanaga from the clutch of Tarakhe.



Very interested in this release. Didn't purchase the last expansion as the theme didn't really grab me, but like the sounds of this one alot.

Glad to see some Runebound love.

Thanks for the news, Frog! I'm eager to learn more about this one in the coming months, and really pleased to hear about the number of cards included in this one. The dearth of 'adventure cards' in big box expansions is hopefully a thing of the past, and it bodes well for replayability.

I want to know more about this one, but I'll probably buy it anyway. Somewhere someone mentioned new movement rules. Does anyone know if this is true? I like the movement rules but as a long time player I have to think they are one of the factors that adds so much time to the game.

Tony P. said:

I want to know more about this one, but I'll probably buy it anyway. Somewhere someone mentioned new movement rules. Does anyone know if this is true?

Judging from previous expansions, I'd say it's pretty much a given. Aside from a new setting, that's been THE defining characteristic of every expansion (though I don't have Midnight). And it's why I'm hoping the high number of cards indicates more of an emphasis on the adventure rather than another movement gimmick. Whatever the case and I guess we'll be learning more in coming weeks I'm still glad to see that Runebound is still alive and well.

I'm also really happy to see more expansions for Runebound. It's still my favorite FFG board game.
The fact that it also has so many cards is extra exciting.
That was my one beef about the other big box expansions... The number of encounters felt so reduced and limited compared to the core game (specially with the small deck expansions).

I'm still hopefuly that FFG will produce card deck expansions for the Island, Sands and Frozen. Even if they just add encounter decks I feel that will add a ton of replay value to the big box expansions.