Greetings all,
I am happy to announce that the entire Angmar Awakened cycle (Normal mode) has now been covered on Vision of the Palantir. You can find the entire list of scenarios here:
The cycle got concluded today thanks to Mortendall who analysed the "modern Dol Guldur" that is The Battle of Carn Dum. His analysis can be found here:
This allows the blog to move on to the next cycle, Dream-chaser, of which the first scenario is already online. The rest of the cycle will be analysed during the next few months, allowing us to be ready before the cycle is played a lot during Con of the Rings 2019. If you want to help our efforts in catching up to recent content, you can contact me to claim one of the scenarios of the cycle that is yet to be covered. If you prefer to stay in Angmar, there are also positions open to write the Nightmare analyses. In any case, I hope you guys enjoyed the coverage of this cycle, and are looking forward to next month, which will focus a lot on the trait analyses.