What could a scientist in my Star Wars RPG fan fic be working on?

By Leia Hourglass, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

On 2/9/2019 at 7:41 PM, Leia Hourglass said:

I had to google Pycrete. It sounds awesome but it’s named after someone here on Earth. I can’t use it.

Im looking for ideas in engineering

Change the name to Calrisicrete?

My answer would be nothing specific. I would not go there because it starts to make it look like science fiction when you start parsing technology. Let the reader know he is a scientist and that he is working on something but it's better in my mind if the reader doesn't comprehend it and/or answers that question with their own imagination. I don't know what the story is about but I assume the scenes with your character are actually about the character and not his work so much.

Does anybody have any other ideas? I’m trying to look for something that was never researched until the era of the New Republic like kyber crystals weren’t until the Empire used them for a superlaser and even then, they had been used in weapons formation in the past. I’m looking for something that presumably hasn’t been thought of in the 25,000 years of time where almost everything has already been done.

Manufacturing techniques, aka a Star Forge without force requirements.

Question: what is an RPG Story and how does that differ from say a regular story?

Also I read a couple of the other posts and you stated that the project fills the imagination of the scientist so it is important to the story. Are you trying to tell a science fiction story using the Star Wars setting? I notice that a lot of people essentially busy themselves trying to fill in the blanks in the setting with technology explanations, and while that is certainly a way to go I wonder what it is hoped will be achieved in the end product.

27 minutes ago, Archlyte said:

Question: what is an RPG Story and how does that differ from say a regular story?

Also I read a couple of the other posts and you stated that the project fills the imagination of the scientist so it is important to the story. Are you trying to tell a science fiction story using the Star Wars setting? I notice that a lot of people essentially busy themselves trying to fill in the blanks in the setting with technology explanations, and while that is certainly a way to go I wonder what it is hoped will be achieved in the end product.

Yes a sci fi Story in the Star Wars galaxy.

20 minutes ago, Leia Hourglass said:

Yes a sci fi Story in the Star Wars galaxy.

As opposed to Science Fantasy?

5 hours ago, Archlyte said:

As opposed to Science Fantasy?


There is no reason that Science Fiction can't be part of Science Fantasy or vice versa, for the most part neither really exist outside the mind of the author and therefore the readers of such. All elements of Fiction have elements of Fantasy, and the reverse is true.

How about a gate that allows much faster travel across the galaxy? The science is that the gate on one end opens a "superhyper conduit" to a receiving gate on the other end.

On 2/16/2019 at 9:25 AM, ThreeBFour said:

There is no reason that Science Fiction can't be part of Science Fantasy or vice versa, for the most part neither really exist outside the mind of the author and therefore the readers of such. All elements of Fiction have elements of Fantasy, and the reverse is true.

I agree that there is a mixture of elements and a continuum of use of authors explaining stuff in the various paperbacks going back into the deep past of the EU. Some have gone really deep into the Sci-Fi (Traviss) and others have stayed more true to the formula that George seemed to use. The OP is not talking about a game but is instead writing a story, so there is no reason for the extra exposition like there is in a game where the players are spending a lot of time in the world and some things just have to have utility.

This means the task is to tell a story in the star wars universe. This is certainly anyone's playground but at some point being antithetical seems to be a bit of a bad idea to me.

How much is too much? Well that is subjective I agree, but I feel like the equations that make Star Wars have a lot more variables rather than defined values. Once you start defining things too much (a thing that most fiction writers will advise you not to do) you confine the details to something and you'd better hope it's an awesome creative choice unless you are writing just for yourself. You define at the expense of letting your reader imagine. Sometimes you have to, but I think if it's gratuitous and self-indulgent then maybe you might want to think about the effect it will have on the piece, and your version of the Galaxy.

14 hours ago, RLogue177 said:

How about a gate that allows much faster travel across the galaxy? The science is that the gate on one end opens a "superhyper conduit" to a receiving gate on the other end.

Good idea but its been done


(Sigh) I'm getting ready to give up.

Thinking of an idea that no one would think of in 25,000 years is quite a challenging bar to reach.

Maybe try thinking of an idea that sounds great but everyone gave up on, and having an amazing breakthough (in our world - Cold Fusion, room temperature superconductors etc)

1 hour ago, Darzil said:

Thinking of an idea that no one would think of in 25,000 years is quite a challenging bar to reach.

Yeah, I have to agree. And it was 25,000 years of history including sentient races with possibly higher brain capacity and creativity than humans.

I was down to 3 ideas. A Guided recirprocating deflector shield from someone on abovetopsecret forums, Synthetic coaxium from FFG forums and The Dynamics of an Asteroid Field on Sjgames. I decided against the shield because it was too wordy and could be a game changer. The coaxium I felt ruined the rarity of hyperfuel and the asteroid belt analyzation was good but their are likely billions of asteroid fields in the galaxy. Who the **** cares about plotting one.

Why not researching something that has been lost to time (wars, misadventure, etc...)?

25,00 years is a long time not to have forgotten things. Also while something maybe known to one species it might not be known to another. After all how many species discovered space travel at different times?

I found an idea in archeology. Thanks for all your help guys!!!

Okay so my archeology idea didn’t work. My scientist is called upon by the New Republic to investigate why the supermassive black hole is more active than usual and sucking in things from a further range. I just need something for the scientist to be studying before he is called away. It has to sound fresh and cool.

Designing the first moon-sized entertainment and laser tag facility... I call it Laser Moon.

Creating biomedical technology for St. Jabba’s Home for Survivors of the Singularity Engine

Becoming an innovator in the mind expansion sciences

This time I found an idea. For real this time. Thanks for all your help!!!

My idea was perfect. I got it from Mythic Scribes. Intermetallic energy alloy plating. Then I found something like that existed on Wookieepedia. I’m so pissed!!!! Why can’t I find an idea that works and hasn’t been done already?

Okay someone on Reddit informed me that a supermassive black hole could never do what I want it to do. I’ve decided to scrap the whole story.

You're going to scrap a Star Wars story because science ? Do you even Star Wars?

2 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

You're going to scrap a Star Wars story because science ? Do you even Star Wars?

I am an extremely big Star Wars fan thank you very much. I read all the Wookieepedia articles and science is their; it just isn’t mentioned much. Read Catalyst. Or Gallandiums Fantastic Technology

I want to tell an authentic story. It’s bad enough Han Solo doesn’t know what a Parsec is. I could always make the black hole a wormhole but then again that’s problematic.

6 hours ago, Leia Hourglass said:

I am an extremely big Star Wars fan thank you very much. I read all the Wookieepedia articles and science is their; it just isn’t mentioned much. Read Catalyst. Or Gallandiums Fantastic Technology

I want to tell an authentic story. It’s bad enough Han Solo doesn’t know what a Parsec is. I could always make the black hole a wormhole but then again that’s problematic.

After saying that, I still have to wonder how you think that bad science is reason enough to drop a Star Wars story. There's bad science in pretty much every Star Wars story and most people don't care all that much when they've got bad acting and crap scripts to complain about. OK, there might be some exceptions (Starkiller Base with it's dumb supergun and the redefining of the hyperspace "rules" in the new films), but generally science is just a background element in Star Wars, so why give it so much attention?

Also, why try to "go big" with a background element? There are numerous areas where research to produce an incremental improvement would be fine as a background story. Since it's unlikely that anything truly novel is going to pop out after 25k years of science, go for modest changes in what's already out there. Something that improves material strength of a metal even at reduced density, improvements to a droid's memory and recall speed, more fuel efficient or higher performance ion turbines can all work. If you want to go creepy, how about a cybernetic implant that works like a restraining bolt on biological beings?