DOOM! and Elite Dark Priests

By Qion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi !

Our Group couldn't solve this Question:

If the Overlord plays the Power Card DOOM! can he roll 6 Power DIes or is it limited to 5 as usual?

thanks :D

JitD rules page 10:

"an attacker may never roll more than five total power dice for a single attack."

In all cases I'm aware of where it's mentioned, attacks are always limited to the number of dice that come with the game (Morph attacks have that limit, for example).

I always go with the 'you can never have more than five power dice in any situation' rule. It's in the books somewhere. That being said though our group does allow in situations like that where the dice would be tweaked past five that one or more of the blacks can become a silver.

If you are playing RtL or SoB, I believe you can use DOOM! to upgrade a power die if they already are rolling 5.


If DOOM! is in play, and say a master Dark Priest is activated for an attack, DOOM! allows to either add a black power die (if you are using 4 or less dice) or upgrade (5 dice). I sometimes use the "upgrade" instead of adding dice with other monsters. But that will replace the use of an additional black die, for simplicity sake.

I'm pretty sure the question of upgrades was addressed in one of the more recent FAQ updates. Anything that gives you an extra black die can either give you a die or an upgrade as the OL desires. Assuming you're playing an advanced campaign game, of course. In vanilla there's nothing to upgrade to, so you'd be limited to the 5 black power dice.

Um...there's a very old FAQ answer that says that effects from "vanilla" Descent that give you black dice can be used either for a die or an upgrade when playing the campaign. Is that what you're thinking of, or is there a recent amendment?

Antistone said:

Um...there's a very old FAQ answer that says that effects from "vanilla" Descent that give you black dice can be used either for a die or an upgrade when playing the campaign. Is that what you're thinking of, or is there a recent amendment?

Doom is an effect from vanilla descent and is in fact explicitly used as the example.

FAQ pg17
When effects from “vanilla” Descent refer to black dice, how do they relate to silver and gold dice? Does Doom! still add black dice at gold campaign level?
A: For Road to Legend, when an effect refers to a black die, read it as referring to power dice in general. If an effect adds a black die to a roll (such as Doom! or a power potion), it instead adds one “boost” as if the subject had spent one fatigue to enhance its attack. For example, a copper level Master Beastman, which ordinarily rolls 1 black die, could roll either 2 black dice or 1 silver die with Doom! in play.

For the OP, as covered by others, you may never roll more than 5 power dice. So for a Master Dark Priest the Doom bonus must be used as an upgrade/boost rather than an extra dice - unless you want the extra dice to just 'drop off' and not get rolled at all.

Corbon said:

Doom is an effect from vanilla descent and is in fact explicitly used as the example.

I don't disagree, I just didn't want any readers to get the wrong impression about the scope of the rule...

Antistone said:

Corbon said:

Doom is an effect from vanilla descent and is in fact explicitly used as the example.

I don't disagree, I just didn't want any readers to get the wrong impression about the scope of the rule...