Mother of Dragons - Connected seas

By rsiddharth1985, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

Under the Essos section of the MoD rulebook, it states -

"When playing with this board, all houses are free to move from any of the sea areas on the Westeros board to the adjacent sea areas of the Essos board (and vice versa) as if those areas were directly adjacent."

Could someone please clarify this? Does "... any of the sea areas on the Westeros board..." mean even the Bay of Ice, West Summer Sea and the Sea of Dorne are somehow connected to the seas on the Essos board? I would think they do not, and only the Shivering Sea, Narrow Sea, Shipbreaker Bay and East Summer Sea are connected, but this phrasing is weird and I wanted to confirm.

Thanks a lot!

Only the sea areas on the right side of the base game board are adjacent to the sea areas on the Essos board. I would recommend looking at an image of the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat to make which sea areas are adjacent clearer.