Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE) Rule explanations, Interviews and Battles

By Karneck, in Star Wars: Armada

11 hours ago, geek19 said:

I think a lot of people would rather there be more viable ways of bringing LESS squadrons, but still present. How you achieve THAT without some weird "if you brought between 60-90 points of squads" card effect, I have no idea.

Yavaris? :D

Had a great community talk with Crabbok tonight, I'll be sure to link his video when he posts it up.

Thanks to @Crabbok for inviting me onto his channel!

It was a ton of fun, you can watch our talking heads here.

Edited by Karneck

Almost to 1k! Wow! Thank you so much for the massive outpouring of support to help me reach this goal so I can livestream from my mobile again. Thank you all very much!
Please make sure you guys are entering the raffle for a $50 amazon gift card!

14 left and counting...

How-to use Title "Hand of Justice" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

SWAE Talks - May the 4th be with you! WE DID IT! 1k Supporters and Raffle Drawing!


I've just made the jump from Mac to PC. Got a new PC and following your video to install Armada Vassal. I'm at the point where you right click on the Star Wars Armada module then click on the Add Extension. When I click on either the AltMapSizes or MapPack Extensions and click Open to add them I get the following error:

Unable to Write File. Vasssal was unable to write the file c:\programfiles\vassal-3.2.17\ArmadaModule_3.10.0_ext.

I'm trying to re-learn Windows. Any ideas?

4 hours ago, drail14me said:


I've just made the jump from Mac to PC. Got a new PC and following your video to install Armada Vassal. I'm at the point where you right click on the Star Wars Armada module then click on the Add Extension. When I click on either the AltMapSizes or MapPack Extensions and click Open to add them I get the following error:

Unable to Write File. Vasssal was unable to write the file c:\programfiles\vassal-3.2.17\ArmadaModule_3.10.0_ext.

I'm trying to re-learn Windows. Any ideas?

I honestly have no idea. :(

18 hours ago, Karneck said:

I honestly have no idea. :(

Figured it out. I'd saved Vassal to the "Program Files" folder so I had to have "Admin" rights to write to the file. I moved Vassal to a different folder and it worked fine.

How-to use Officer "Raymus Antilles" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

How-to use Officer "Wulff Yularen" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

How-to play Objective "Precision Strike" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

Edited by Karneck

How-to use Officer "Captain Brunson" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

Please join me next Monday (the 20th) for a live stream Q&A session on youtube (and discord!) at 3pm PST (6PM EST), part Ask Me Anything, part talking about Star Wars Armada. Do you have questions about how to play Star Wars Armada? Want to know a rule more in detail or just want to chat it up? Then join me, and together we can rule this nerdom!

Edited by Karneck

How-to use Title "Tantive IV" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

Please  join me next Monday (the 20th) for a live stream Q&A session on youtube (and discord!) at 3pm PST (6PM EST), part Ask Me Anything, part talking about Star Wars Armada. Do you have questions about  how to play Star Wars Armada? Want to know a rule more in detail or just want to chat it up? Then join me, and together we can rule this nerdom!

How-to use Title "Warlord" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

Edited by Karneck

Please   join me next Monday (the 20th) for a live stream Q  &A session on youtube (and discord!) at 3pm PST (6PM EST), part Ask Me Anything, part talking about Star Wars Armada. Do you have questions about  how to play Star Wars Armada? Want to know a rule  more in detail or just want to chat it up? Then join me  , and together we can rule this nerdom!

How-to use Title "Quantum Storm" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

Just a reminder that my live stream Q&A session on youtube (and discord!) is at 3pm PST (6PM EST) today, part Ask Me Anything, part talking about Star Wars Armada. Do you have questions about how to play Star Wars Armada? Want to know a rule more in detail or just want to chat it up? Then join me, and together we can rule this nerdom!

Thats all for now! I'll be sure to get some more videos up tomorrow!
You can watch the livestream here!

Edited by Karneck

How-to use Officer "Toryn Farr" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

How-to use Officer "Instructor Goran" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

How-to use Title "Gallant Haven" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)

How-to use Title "Vector" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)