Veers/Boba Feedback & Bikes advice

By TerranCmdr, in Army Building

So I played my first tournament, and just so happened to be my first 800 point games as well. I was utterly destroyed, and a lot of it was due to poor Turn 0 planning but also due to bad tactical decisions. I felt like my two squads of bikes were nearly useless except for picking off snipers - any tips on how to fly them effectively? I've retooled my list to include longrange comms on them with the plan to use Evasive Maneuvers on Turn 2 - hopefully the bikes will be in position to do some serious damage by then.

Here is the list I'm thinking of. For the tourney I ran 4 Stormtroopers but I'm thinking of throwing the scouts in there as well as the Snowtroopers.


General Veers 80
Esteemed Leader,
Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper,
Snowtroopers 48
Flametrooper, Impact Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper,
Boba Fett 140
Scout Troopers (Strike Team) 16
DLT-19x Sniper,
Scout Troopers 60

74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Long-Range Comlink,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Long-Range Comlink,
E-Web Heavy Blaster Team 55

Standing Orders, ZX Flame Projector, Whipcord Launcher, Evasive Maneuvers, Maximum Firepower, Assault, Imperial Discipline

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Edited by TerranCmdr

i would drop the scouts for another sniper strike team, and the E-Web for another squad of stormtroopers, then maybe add recon intel to either the Snowtroopers or Fett . The reason to drop the scouts and E-web is so you can take objectives since bikes can't and E-web will only defend one

Thanks for the input, I'll see about dropping the E-Web for more Stormtroopers. I only have the one set of scouts for the moment though.

So, bikes play differently than really any other empire unit. They are fast, fragile, and hit like a truck. To be effective, they usually should be run in pairs (or triples), and away from the front. The goal of the bikes is to get around the flank. Only enter the enemy's range when you're ready to attack, and then only one enemy at a time. Then, swoop in at the end of the round, blast that unit to smithereens with both units, and prepare for the next run. This is the ideal situation, but it rarely works that way.

If you're going to be entering the range and LoS of enemy units, try to minimize how many of them can get a shot. Use that compulsory to your advantage. Stay back, then compulsory up and take a shot. If you will be exposed to fire where you are, then skip the aim and take a dodge or move behind LoS blocking terrain. Just be careful when moving and plan ahead so that you can be back in firing position with your next compulsory.

They die a lot faster than most empire units, so you have to baby them a little. It's ok to take the first round just moving into position. With 3 speed 3 moves, you can cover quite a bit of ground.

HQ uplink is the only comms I'd consider right now, i don't know that bikes need anything honestly.

Scouts desperately need cover if ran alone and probably need the mine upgrade . Otherwise the strike sniper team serves the same purpose.

Setup takes practice and one of thw most important parts of the game is selecting the objective and conditions and how to take advantage of those with your army

Edited by buckero0