800 Veers

By Lord Thallium, in Army Building

Here is my new list I'm running with Veers, I've played several different versions of it, This is the first time that I will be running Strike Teams. But so far the list has been very successful with out them but we have been playing lower point levels due to my groups collections being on the lighter side of points. Not sure if I should keep Veers Environmental Gear as it gives me a better option to go first if he doesn't have it.

General Veers 80
Commanding Presence, Esteemed Leader, Environmental Gear
Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Environmental Gear,
Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Environmental Gear,
Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Environmental Gear,
Snowtroopers 48
Flametrooper, Snowtrooper, Recon Intel,
Snowtroopers 48
Flametrooper, Snowtrooper, Recon Intel,
Scout Troopers (Strike Team) 16
DLT-19x Sniper,
Scout Troopers (Strike Team) 16
DLT-19x Sniper,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Long-Range Comlink,
74-Z Speeder Bikes 90
Long-Range Comlink,

Standing Orders, Push, Ambush, Assault, Imperial Discipline, Evasive Maneuvers, Maximum Firepower

Let me know your thoughts

Edited by Lord Thallium

I like the idea, I just wonder if you'd be better served dropping the extra troopers and getting another DLT unit in there. If you drop Environmental Gear and bonus trooper on the Stormies, you can fit another DLT unit, bringing you up to 11 activations.

That seems pretty potent, especially with the level of trooper removal and impact you have.

Do you find you often need the Environmental Gear?

I admit 4 DLTs would be nice but unfortunately I don't have a 4th Storm Trooper squad to draw from plus I am a big fan of larger squads vs multiple smaller squads.

I am happy with 10 activations and in our current gaming group I have the highest activation count at least for now.

Our Tables we play on a quite terrain heavy lots of "area terrain" so the Environmental gear makes its points back quickly when is comes to getting objectives and the like.

Awesome list! That's a pretty solid 10 activations. The only thing I'd change is drop Veers's Commanding Presence for fragmentation grenades on the snowies as that wreaks havoc or some better equipment on one of the corp units. I've found that Commanding Presence is just really not that powerful especially since you already have LRS on your speeder bikes

Edited by bllaw