The Battle of Deep Space Nine - Custom Scenario

By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

500 points per side. DS9 was pretty much like a Super Star Destroyer. Rebel player would gain 20 points per ship that could go through the wormhole. 5 points per squadron that could go through, and those that went through wouldn't count as having "fled" the battlefield, they'd be saved and set aside. Imperial player conversely, scores the same number of points for each ship and squadron left on the mat at the end of the game. To escape through the wormhole, you must be at distance 1 of it when you activate, then immediately pick up your ship instead of doing anything else.

What was the final score here, Crabbok?

If he destroyed the DS9 and + 20 pts for warping out MC75, that would be around...what? 250 pts?

And you destroyed, 3 CR90's + GR75 = ? around 200 pts, roughly?