10 hours ago, Maktorius said:I can get behind @Darth Matthew s suggestion, since my own suggestions don't seem to get any traction *sob*. Though it would screw with Tabletop admiral (as is).
Giving him a Rune equipment in particular would:
a) Be thematic, heroes using rune-magic seems natural (in the setting).
b) Allow him to use his currently unusable skill action (without becoming passive as @Bhelliom wanted to avoid).
c) Shore up his weaknesses of not having mobility and/or range effects.
The Runes are not cheap though, and sinking another 4-7 points in him might not make him adequately "better per point"? Would it be crazy for him to get a Rune equipment for free (that would be less of an issue with Tabletop admiral)? I mean the Corruption Rune is pretty similar to @QuickWhit s Death's gaze idea.
"Before deployment, you may equip either a Corruption Rune, Wind Rune or Fire Rune upgrade".
If he got an equipment for free, I don't think I'd use him more often. I use him when I can get some mileage out of host of crows; and if he had wind/fire/corruption, I'd feel like he wasn't useless while on the table.
Keep in mind, I play at 300 points, and even at 300 points, it's hard to justify his cost for host of crows.