A 3D Printed Tower

By Abwehrschlacht, in Terrain Building

I while ago I bought myself a 3D printed tower off EBay, it's designed for use in Legion and after a bit of work sanding, I managed to get it looking OK. There's more photos on my blog (including a crashed Speederbike objective marker). Have a look here:



That looks really nice, I would love to have that on my game table.

Thanks, yes, I'm looking forward to using it in a game!

I scaled up my tower to be more in size with legion. I use a paint 'primer and filler' to fill in the gaps of the 3D print 'lines', but sanding is recommended too. I will have to add wire like you did, never thought of that. I printed up a whole bunch of terrain this month, but still need to finish painting, guess I will have to start a new terrain thread. I have an older one with terrain and miniatures on the painting forum