I've been talking a lot about this on Discord (and in our next episode, going live later this week; it's a biggie!) but wanted to post here for people who aren't in the Discord and/or don't listen to the podcast. I don't have a lot of time this morning, but I have Wednesday and Thursday off, so I'll be able to get into more detail and get a bunch of work done then.
The long and short of it all is that I'm working (with help from many others) to step in and do what FFG has decided to stop. So why me? I think I have a lot of qualifications. I've been running tournaments in some capacity for over 10 years, and 7 of those years were spent primarily on a game that had no official organized play (Warhammer Fantasy Battles). I did a lot of work on some of the largest WFB tournaments on the east coast (Brawler Bash 7 onward, Southern Asault 5 onward, Grail Quest (all of them), etc). I also helped organize Krayt Cup 3 for X-Wing, and am working on this year's Krayt Cup (it's at the top of my to do list when I get to work today). Organizing wargaming events is second nature to me.
I'm also a host on a reasonably popular Runewars podcast (I don't have listener numbers, but I know we're in the top 3
) with an 85-member Discord server. This puts me in a good position within the community to collect feedback and data and disseminate information.
Importantly, I don't want to seize control of this without the community as a whole behind me. If you think I'm not the man for the job, please contact me about it. I'd love to hear your thoughts. One of the things I've seen cause problems for other communities is when multiple different people/groups all work on rules documents, and each event has to declare who they're siding with. It's a mess. I don't want that to happen here. If anyone else has this idea (and it seems like many do) I encourage you to come to me so we can collaborate. Maybe you think you'd be a better choice to lead the project, and maybe you're even right! But I want to talk about it, rather than running off in different directions and doing all the same work, but slightly differently.
With all that out of my way, here's a summary of my plan for replacing FFG-supported organized play:
- Tournament Document. I'm planning to craft a new tournament document. One important aspect of it is giving tournament organizers the tools they need to balance their metagame, and encouraging them to send their results back to me and a possible rules committee (see below). Most people think the game has at least a few balance issues, but there is no community consensus on what those issues are, and part of that has to do with the small pockets of metagame we have everywhere. Only by trying lots of different ideas and compiling all that data together can we discover which problems are truly with the game, and not just with the local crowd. With that in mind, no game-balance rules will be changed at all, to start with.
- Errata/FAQ. My current plan is to gather all the outstanding FAQ questions we have and post them, a handful at a time, with my proposed answers. We can discuss them here on the forums. If we come to a consensus about the correct way to address them, we'll write that into the new document I'm creating. If we can't, we may need to create a rules committee to vote and decide on these issues once and for all. My current proposal is that any TO who runs at least four events (with at least 4 attendees, including themselves if they play) per year is eligible to join the committee; this selects people who are successfully building their local communities, and being a TO for these communities indicates that at least a few local people trust them to interpret the rules in a fair and helpful way. If anyone has another proposal for how to form a committee, I'd be happy to discuss it.
- Event kits. I'm working with Greg of Rebel Light Works in San Antonio. He has thrown his full backing behind this project, and is about as qualified as I am when it comes to supporting a game unofficially. Our plan is to create two tiers of event kits. One is designed for relaxed-tier events. This will, to a certain degree, mirror the quarterly/seasonal kits that FFG has been putting out. Each one will contain enough prizes to support 3 events of up to 8 players, and a new kit will be released each quarter to keep things fresh. Prizes will consist of acrylic tokens and alternate-art cards, with a new focus on upgrade cards instead of unit cards. Keep an eye out for these soon, I think you're going to like what we have planed. The other kit will be a bit more expensive and designed for formal-tier events. Anyone who wishes to run a yearly event with a bit more draw along the lines of a regional/national type event can purchase this kit and get some fancier prizes, such as movement templates and things like that. The contents of this kit will rotate yearly.
- Worlds 2019 and beyond. We are planning to host the 2019 World Championship at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC in October. My goal is to have a date announced and registration up as soon as possible, aiming for an absolute minimum of 4 months notice. Some problems beyond my control could prevent this (like Wizards dragging their feet on the Magic release schedule for fall like they are for the spring) but I will do everything in my power to meet that deadline so that everyone who wants to come can make travel plans well in advance. For future years, we would like to move the event from region to region. Court of Gamers in San Antonio, TX is a likely location for 2020. We'd love to put it somewhere on the west coast in 2021. Maybe it could even take place in the UK for one year. The idea with moving it around like this is so that the burden of travel is greater for some years and less for others, hopefully making it easier on everyone who wants to come every year.
If any of these topics interest you, I strongly encourage you to listen to this week's Initiative One podcast, which we'll try to have out on Thursday. You can even jump ahead about an hour if you're not interested in listening to a summary of our latest event (though it was a good one, so consider listening to that too if you've got time.
). As I said, I'll be posting more detail here as quickly as possible. I hope to have the first handful of questions/answers for rules discussion up in the rules subforum soon; probably by Thursday.
Finally, as a special note, thanks for still being here, for sticking with this game and for contributing in whatever way you choose to. Things don't look good for continued releases, but if we can surprise FFG by growing the community on our own and they see a steady increase in sales and tournament attendance, maybe they'll get back to work on new content. I don't know how likely it is, but it doesn't hurt to try, and I'm happy to do all this whether it gets us new content or not.
Edited by Zetan