Hello there,
So I've been looking over Space Combat again and something that always struck me as weird was that "Evasive Maneuvers" upgrades attacks from and at you.
This feels strange for me because: How / why does making Evasive Maneuvers make Attacks inherently more risky to the Attacker? Why can something go more wrong than normal?
I'd understand upgrades in relation with Piloting checks, but not in relation to attacks.
Upgrading would make sense to me when the fight is happening in terrain (which it should mostly do, but not always), but not in open space. And even then I would rather upgrade necessary piloting checks than upgrade the attacks.
For example, why should a Turret Gunner's attack be upgraded ?
I thought of maybe increasing the difficulty instead, but that would probably make it impossible for Capital or larger ship to hit starfighters making evasive maneuvers.
Or maybe adding a couple of setback dice instead of upgrading.
Am I the only one finding this somehow weird? Am I looking at this the wrong way?
I'd be interested in your thoughts and insights on this 😃
Edited by Fl1ntMinor Addition to account for Fights in Terrain