Public Obj: Control 6 planets of the same trait

By Dreepa, in Twilight Imperium

So I have played quite a lot of TI4 games recently, probably about 15, and I ve notices that the amount of games where the objective to control 6 planets had been scored is really low.

Either, the player that scored it had started with many of that type in his slice, and could pull it off, or it wasn't scored.
3 games where Ghosts were part of, and it would seem like a perfect objective for their mobility, didn't score it. Their lack of general military never allowed them to scatter that much.
If it was scored, it was by a player who just had a really good streak and walked all over the galaxy, which rarely happened.

Comparing that to other objectives, like tech objectives, that are guaranteed and cannot be taken away (as in: you cannot stop someone from scoring them, once they got the techs, but you can stop conquer-objectives) it seems that these objectives are inferior and not attractive enough.

What is your experience with it?

Imo this should be 3 VP obj. Or even I win th egame obj (these were present in TI3).