Acrobat clarification

By gilfaim, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Been looking through the forums and just want to understand this obviously powerful skill.

1. Obstacles I have managed to identify, so I know the difference between a trap and a pit. But I want to understand the ‘effect’ of the obstacle. Is the effect of a pit, the +1 move to get out of it and +3 to jump over it? So someone with Acrobat doesn’t need to pay for these movements?
2. The acrobat cannot end its turn on a figure or obstacle that blocks movement, so I cannot stop on that pile of rubble, but I can still stop on the tree, if I was to stop on the tree, does it cost the extra movement to get into it? So it cost 2 movement for normal heroes to get into the tree, but only 1 for the Acrobat?
3. One of the wilderness encounters that our party has done with RtL was the bog, which applied a +1 movement cost to any square adjacent to water. Would the acrobat still suffer this +1 movement cost, or is it just another obstacle that they can overcome?

Pretty sure that’s all the scenarios that I can think of at the moment, but as a newbie player to this game, I don’t think we have encounter all the potential issues that acrobat can cause for the OL.

gilfaim said:

Been looking through the forums and just want to understand this obviously powerful skill.

1. Obstacles I have managed to identify, so I know the difference between a trap and a pit. But I want to understand the ‘effect’ of the obstacle. Is the effect of a pit, the +1 move to get out of it and +3 to jump over it? So someone with Acrobat doesn’t need to pay for these movements?
2. The acrobat cannot end its turn on a figure or obstacle that blocks movement, so I cannot stop on that pile of rubble, but I can still stop on the tree, if I was to stop on the tree, does it cost the extra movement to get into it? So it cost 2 movement for normal heroes to get into the tree, but only 1 for the Acrobat?
3. One of the wilderness encounters that our party has done with RtL was the bog, which applied a +1 movement cost to any square adjacent to water. Would the acrobat still suffer this +1 movement cost, or is it just another obstacle that they can overcome?

Pretty sure that’s all the scenarios that I can think of at the moment, but as a newbie player to this game, I don’t think we have encounter all the potential issues that acrobat can cause for the OL.

1. The falling in (1 damage) and he +1MP to get are effects of the pit. The 3MP per space lept over is not an effect of he pit, but an effect of jumping (its avoiding the effect of the pit).

2. No, it does not cost extra to stop on the tree, yes, just 1MP to move into the tree with acrobat (or fly).

3. I'd argue that that was an effect of the water (an obstacle) even though the water was not being entered. However, Acrobat allows you to enter or move through obstacles without effect. RAW, if the space costing +1 due to adjacency to water is not an obstacle space then you have to pay the +1. If it is an obstacle then you can ignore both the obstacle's effect and the 'adjacent to water' effect.
I'd imagine few groups actually play it this way though - I don't think we have, if it has come up.