reasons of being hyped ?

By gmcc, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

So, was a nice move from FFG kinda unexpected but my question is : is there any reason to be hyped ?

i like they maked the game for solo and co-op with miniatures and stuff.. but will it be like a dungeon crowling game like imperial assault ? mansions of madness kinda game ?

beside why they are not putting cool characters like legolas or aragorn or gandalf or frodo .. ? probalby 15$ each in future expansions.. guess i have to wait and see more about the game

It looks to be more of a wilderness crawler than a dungeon crawler. Think Mansions of Madness, but with the tiles showing outdoor terrain instead of streets or rooms. There are only two 'dungeon' tiles, so I'd expect dungeons to be one-off locations to host a fight in rather than places to explore. Of course, future expansions may introduce more extensive dungeon settings.

Legolas and Aragorn are in the original box, Frodo will undoubtedly appear in an expansion, and Gandalf may well appear as an NPC, much like Luke Skywalker in Imperial Assault. Not that I know whether NPCs will be a thing in this game - if not, I'd expect Gandalf to show up as a character at some point.

Aragorn is definitely one of the heroes in the box. The archer mini could likely be Legolas, though I haven’t seen anything to confirm that.

But yes, they likely are saving some of iconic characters for expansions. It remains to be seen how they decide to release expansions. It is possible that they keep the themselves to boxed expansions and forgo individual figure packs entirely.

Edited by pixcalcis

Well, back in the day I always wanted to get the GW Fellowship of the Ring minis and game. It was pretty pricey and I did not have any hobby skills.

Even if the game is poor, this looks like a good way to pick up a lot of LotR minis that might work for a future skirmish game, do double duty in Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadow Deep, support a D&D Adventures in Middle Earth or One Ring RPG game, and so on.

yeah it will have minis indeed... at least is not SW Legion so im kinda happy it ended up with LOTR :)

On 1/12/2019 at 5:47 PM, Theldyrn said:

It looks to be more of a wilderness crawler than a dungeon crawler. Think Mansions of Madness, but with the tiles showing outdoor terrain instead of streets or rooms. There are only two 'dungeon' tiles, so I'd expect dungeons to be one-off locations to host a fight in rather than places to explore. Of course, future expansions may introduce more extensive dungeon settings.   

This sums up what i think the format will be. Hope there will be more dungeons. With FFG, everything is possible!

I was wondering though, would they borrow a similar expansion pattern from the one MoM2 is using? like occasional boxed expansions (with new minis, tiles, cards and more of everything else) plus a few app DLCs, or the individual mini packages used in the Descent 2nd Ed/IA cycles, though IA was way worse since no "monster collections" with multiples minis in it were made available in retail.

Hard to tell-I kinda prefer the former. Seems cheaper to me.

Running after every single mini packages, i dunno. For IA, it was a pain for me getting everything with since i started playing the game late. Had to catchup a long way.

This time, no hesitation. Day 1 buy!

Edited by Shirys
2 hours ago, Shirys said:

I was wondering though, would they borrow a similar expansion pattern from the one MoM2 is using? like occasional boxed expansions (with new minis, tiles, cards and more of everything else) plus a few app DLCs, or the individual mini packages used in the Descent 2nd Ed/IA cycles, though IA was way worse since no "monster collections" with multiples minis in it were made available in retail.

I'd be surprised to see single mini packs for Journeys, as it won't be a "grid-and-tactics" game like IA. The format is likely to be similar to MoM2, with themed expansion packs and DLCs.

As soon as it shows up locally, I'm clicking the button and awaiting the courier.