Thank you FFG!

By Veve7, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

A while ago I suggested FFG to make a LOTR game with miniatures and cards as I would like it. Thank you for taking into account my desire!

If this is not sarcasm, I'm glad to read one non-pesimistic or non-ranting post, hehehehe

It is not sarcasm.

You have my whole hearted thanks... have my sword.

... and you have my bow .


I agree that this is great. Especially because it's the book license rather than movie and FFG does positively fantastic Tolkien art (for the LCG).

Hoping the gameplay is as strong as the art and miniatures!

Ya I love the card art as well, as I've said in other threads, I much prefer this style over the more cartoony Terrinoth approach. I think people need to realize that FFG's mini's have come a long way as well. From what we saw in the early days of Descent 2.0 to what we get now is night and day, these will be top notch minis that are very fun to paint.

We just need a guide to paint them now... help us Obi-Wan @Sorastro , you're our only hope!

Agreed, FFG does amazing Tolkien art. I much prefer that style to the World of Warcraft/Hearthstone-esque Terrinoth art (it's not bad by any means and I like it, but the cartoony nature keeps me from loving it).

I'm really looking forward to this game! So much Tolkien love going on in the gaming world atm, it's a wonder to see :D

Looks fantastic, I'm in. Didn't like the LotR LCG , missed Middle earth Quest. Always wished they would take some of love they devoted to the cthulhu games and give it to lotr, and now it finally looks like they have.

I thought they didn't have the lotr license for boardgames. I guess that changed.

Maybe there are more lotr boardgames around the corner?

Lotr the skirmish game, Lotr the dice game, Lotr epic battle game... fatique... anyone?


I have whatever the opposite of fatigue is.

Agreeing on the card art - it does have the wow factor (I like that Terrinoth's started to head down a more realism route too, for me it brings things to life more as it looks more real than overly cartoony art, Terrinoth seems to be a happy place in the middle for me now, a sort of more realistic than before serious cartoonish style- so I'm liking the newer Terrinoth art sometimes more than the old)

On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 3:20 PM, FrogTrigger said:

Ya I love the card art as well, as I've said in other threads, I much prefer this style over the more cartoony Terrinoth approach. I think people need to realize that FFG's mini's have come a long way as well. From what we saw in the early days of Descent 2.0 to what we get now is night and day, these will be top notch minis that are very fun to paint.

We just need a guide to paint them now... help us Obi-Wan @Sorastro , you're our only hope! are my only hope!...

Again. FFG found some clever way to capture a sizeable fraction of my wallet 😂

2 hours ago, Shirys said:

Again. FFG found some clever way to capture a sizeable fraction of my wallet 😂

Nah... Just redirect your salary directly to FFG 🤣