Which systems will the app run on

By thefarouk, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

I was looking for information on which devices the app will be supported on. I am a PC user, I do not install applications on my phone nor iPad, so if there is not PC/web support (non-device) for this game, I'll have to pass. Otherwise looks very cool and I'm excited for it!

I did not see this information in your article.

Edited by thefarouk

I would suspect there is an emulator that will run an OS you need to run the app on your computer.

Based on FFG past digital apps, it appears that it will likely be available on Steam for your PC.

They have the Imperial Assault, Descent RTL, and Mansions of Madness apps there.

They do not have the XCOM app, which requires a phone or tablet... but that was also their first foray into app-implemented games.

I would wait for official word though.

XCOM app can be downloaded and installed to pc or Mac from FFG website.

If this game is like Descent, which is what I have seen it likened to - the app for that is available from Apple store, Google store, Amazon store and Steam.

That would be great if that is the case here, I'd use my Kindle fire.