(Other than a chance to re-use some of the brilliant art of the LCG?)
What do we think this will be?
I looks like a cross between Mansions of Madness and Arkham 3rd edition, and will probably borrow content from the LCG. I for one welcome new games based on LOTR, and I think this will appeal to a lot of people.
I'm definitely a buyer. Co-op with app? Yes please! At first I assumed it would be a Descent/Imperial Assault clone but glad to see it is something different.
This looks great - my only quibble is I'd like to see other heroes (non-Canon or lesser-known Canon) taking on these quests, possibly in other times (early Third or Fourth Ages) ... just for my Tolkien-purist side.
I am very excited for this one. I agree with Dobrobass, It seems like elements from Descent and mansions app, with modular tiles similar to Runewars, and all on Middle Earth.
Instant yes please - https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2019/1/11/the-lord-of-the-rings-journeys-in-middle-earth/
So is this just LOTR Descent with the App from the beginning? I don't quite understand the differences yet.
Toss in my surprise and excitement... day 1 purchase here.
3 minutes ago, Willange said:So is this just LOTR Descent with the App from the beginning? I don't quite understand the differences yet.
It's more like LOTR Mansion of Madness and Runebound/Middle-Earth Quest with some Descent mechanisms. And personally I'm not sure if I like it. Too many full co-op games recently. And I prefer real person as the Overlord/Game Master than app. I hope AI will be better than in Descent app.
Edited by AlternautaAlso very interested, core set makes me think it's probably going to be more similar to Imperial Assault as far as expansions go. But awesome to see the LCG's art being used again. Looking forward to hear more.
My first adventuring party:
Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas.
Let's hunt some orc!
I am so excited for this!
Seems similar to the Fallout game as well.
I'm very excited for this, but I'm kind of conflicted that the heroes are big canon characters. I guess Gimli makes sense, but Bilbo?
I feel like it would've been a little better to just make them original characters, and maybe throw in the canon ones as allies, like in Imperial Assault.
5 minutes ago, subtrendy2 said:I feel like it would've been a little better to just make them original characters, and maybe throw in the canon ones as allies, like in Imperial Assault.
Who knows if they maybe had Brand requirements to put those characters in?
Am I missing something, or is there no Gandalf?
2 minutes ago, keschnell4 said:Am I missing something, or is there no Gandalf?
He will arrive precisely when he means to, perhaps as a NPC in several quests.
Edited by Shirys21 minutes ago, steveisbig said:Who knows if they maybe had Brand requirements to put those characters in?
That's an excellent point. If I recall, Tolkien's estate makes a pretty clear distinction between the Lord of the Rings and the rest of the Middle Earth lore. Maybe FFG doesn't have rights to the rest, so they had to have clear ties to LOTR.
I believe the "Shadow of..." video game series had to grapple with that concept, too.
They lost me at "companion app"
There goes more of my hard-earned money.
Intrigued, yet is there yet a picture of anything apart from the box?
ETA: Nevermind, I see it. 😃
Edited by Lorne1 hour ago, subtrendy2 said:I'm very excited for this, but I'm kind of conflicted that the heroes are big canon characters. I guess Gimli makes sense, but Bilbo?
I feel like it would've been a little better to just make them original characters, and maybe throw in the canon ones as allies, like in Imperial Assault.
I had the same initial reaction, but then realized how maligned the ally mechanic is in Imperial Assault (and how many forum/Reddit threads come from people asking if they can just play as the heroes of the trilogy instead of the "made up" characters). I think we'll see a mix of both... the second from left character looks like Beravor, the Dunedain hero from the LotR:LCG Core Set. I bet the initial campaign (and those following it) will take place between the events of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, so Bilbo makes sense as a Hobbit hero who already has some adventuring experience under his belt.
Very much looking forward to this!
Looks awesome, as I said in the other thread it looks like they took some mechanics from a lot of games like MoM 2nd, Descent 2nd, Runebound, Arkham Horro, and threw it all together to create a new experience.
At first I was disappointed as I've always thought a LOTR version of IA would be SOOO much fun.. but something new might be better in this case.
I very much look forward to the 'explore and adventure' aspect of the game, reminds me a lot of Tainted Grail which I just backed.
I am going to assume that the minis on the exploration board will represent encounters. So essentially if you choose to travel to that area, or maybe an in game mechanic makes them move towards you, and you end up on the same tile, then it flips into battle mode and you play out that battle on the encounter tiles before moving on.
Which is actually very similar to my favourite video game of all time, Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen, spoilered for size:
Edited by FrogTrigger
I'd like more details and a review first.
But otherwise looks promising and I have a family member who might love it ... depending.
1 hour ago, FrogTrigger said:At first I was disappointed as I've always thought a LOTR version of IA would be SOOO much fun.. but something new might be better in this case.
I think it is great that they are trying a new system with the LOTR property... had they applied the IA/Descent system to LOTR, I'd have been pretty excited too, but I would worry about the future of Descent if they suddenly had the shiny new toy... two fantasy games using a similar engine would reduce interest to a couple fanbases... likely limiting new explorers interested in Terrinoth.
After seeing what FFG did taking pieces of the Arkham files into Arkham Horror third edition, I am very excited for this. Mansions and the Arkham LCG tell the best narrative story in the Arkham files, and they make up a blueprint for the Arkham third edition, along with the scope of Arkham 2E (city sized play area)...
I see a lot of Mansions here, and some other interesting new mechanics, (exploring hexes, battling on a "zoomed in" skirmish map) and assets from the beautiful LOTR LCG.