New tournament kits?

By IndyPendant, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Hey all,

I've been checking with our local FLGS, and they say they haven't heard anything about ordering the new kits announced a while back.

Since it's not even worth the waste of time contacting FFG OP would inevitably be, I'm asking here instead. Anyone know if any other stores have been able to order the new kits yet?

Edit: I'm in Canada, if that makes a difference. : )

Edited by IndyPendant

I talked to my local store, and they said that they were probably going to buy the new kit. So I think they are able to buy it. I don't believe that FFG informed them of the new tournament kit, as they were not aware of it until I asked if they were buying it.

We have a standing agreement at our FLGS to order any and all tournament kits for all star wars game systems. We never received/had a chance to order the GNK that included the vader upgrade/sentry droid promos, but received the kit with Chewie upgrade/jawa's just this week, together with the regionals kits.

@Isnigu: We didn't receive either, and we're just 300 km away from you.

Is there a list of what kits have been released? We only got one this year

Just an fyi for everyone: I talked with my FLGS, and they emailed the person that they order the actual kits from (who may or may not be directly affiliated with OP). They got a response: the new kits should be ready to order this week. So the window hasn't passed, apparently, but FFG OP usually sends an official email to say they will be ready for pre-order, and the store never got that.

Again: this is Canada in case that makes a difference.