although i got started with Legion at release, i've only managed to play about a handful of games, and i got into the game to play Vader so thats what i'm going to do. Now from what i've read it seems you need lots of activations so with that in mind here is my list.
Vader+ Force Push,Force Reflexes and Saber throw=235
Snow Troopers+Extra trooper+Flametrooper=80
Stormtroopers+extra trooper+ DLT-19=79
Stormtroopers+extra trooper+ DLT-19=79
Strike Team with DLT-19x=44
Strike Team with DLT-19x=44
Strike Team with DLT-19x=44
Boba Fett =140
E-Web emplacement=55
total 800 what y'all think ?