Elemental Championships - Lebanon NH Sat 9th March

By Hinomura, in L5R LCG: Organized Play

Join us for the Elemental Championship, a competitive Regional event with awesome exclusive prizes!
Full details and pictures of prizing can be found at https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2018/12/21/provincial-glory/
Format: Formal Tier event, following all guidelines in the official L5R Tournament Regulations.
Time: Registration begins at 10AM, and Round 1 will commence promptly at 11AM.
Entry: $20. Pre-register in store or at
1st: Win a 2019 Elemental Championship, and you’ll claim the title of Elemental Champion, along with the trophy and lotus flower invitation to the Winter Court World Championship that are your due.
Top 2: Elemental Championship honor dial. Featuring the Imperial Palace printed atop white acrylic, this honor dial serves as testament to your skill.
Top 4: A complete set of ring tokens. Red on one side. Blue on the other. Printed on white acrylic.
Top 8: Elemental Championship playmat featuring the Imperial Palace washed in sunlight.
Top 16: Reach the Top 16 and you will claim two packs of custom sleeves—one for your dynasty deck, and one for your conflict deck. Each pack features 100 sleeves.
Top 8 By Element: The Top 8 representatives of each element will claim a double-sided plastic elemental role card for that element, with one side featuring the keeper role and the other featuring the seeker role.
Participation: Each participant at an Elemental Championship claims a stunning, extended art version of The Imperial Palace, along with a set of five extended art provinces—Abandoning Honor, Upholding Authority, Appealing to the Fortunes, Seeking the Truth, and Demonstrating Excellence.

Hope it still not too far for me!

Join us in just a few weeks for the next New England Elemental Championship, held at Black Moon Games in Lebanon NH on Saturday March 9th! Win exclusive prizes, grab cool participation stuff, and earn a spot in the L5R World Championships!
Help us gauge numbers and preregister at the following link:
If anyone has any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact the store directly or to drop me a line.
Hope to see folks there!
Join us this week for the next New England Elemental Championship, held at Black Moon Games in Lebanon NH on Saturday March 9th! Win exclusive prizes, grab cool participation stuff, and earn a spot in the L5R World Championships!
Help us gauge numbers and preregister at the following link:
We will be using the latest Rules Reference Guide, which can be found here:
Decks must use one of the current legal Roles for their clan, or either Support of the Phoenix or Support of the Scorpion. The current Roles can be found here:
If anyone has any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact the store directly or to drop me a line.
Hope to see folks there!
Deck lists are required for this event. You csn find blank sheets at the link below, and we will have them on hand at the event. Alternatively, you can email your deck list to blackmoonnh@gmail.com , including your name and 'EC Decklist' in the subject line. Any deck lists submitted by email will be printed off, and players must sign them when they arrive to confirm accuracy.
We intend to publish the top eight deck lists after the event. If you make the top eight and would prefer not to have your list published, please let us know before the start of the knockout.
Link for blank deck lists: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/b4/e9/b4e97aba-9b95-4bc9-9818-7d28b8664dee/l5r-deck-list.pdf
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at Black Moon Games on Saturday!

Bump ahead of tomorrow!

A last minute addition to the Elemental Championship.

I'll have a collection tin at the event for donations towards the GoFundMe set up for Rich Gain, former owner of a New Jersey games store that regularly hosted Old5R events, including several Koteis. Rich has tragically recently lost his fiancee and infant son in a car accident, and money is being raised to help him during this terrible time.

I'm sure attendees will need no encouragement to donate, but as a thank you, every person who does so will pull from a special box of greed containing not only cool promos, but also specially marked cards that can be immediately turned in for one of three official L5R play mats up for grabs.

Please give generously, and send love and positive thoughts to Rich.

If you're not attending but would like to donate, you can do so at the following link:


It occurred to me I hadn't shared the after event summary here. In the interest of completeness, here it is.


On Saturday March 9th, Black Moon Games hosted an Elemental Championship for the Legend of the Five Rings LCG. Thirty-three players attended and battle through five rounds of Swiss and a top eight knockout, before Ian Fite claimed victory for the Scorpion Clan. Final standings and other information can be found on the Lotus Pavilion at the following link: https://thelotuspavilion.com/tournaments/3648

Deck lists from everybody who finished in the top eight can be found at the end of this post.

In addition to the generous prize support provided in the EC kit by FFG, Black Moon awarded extra promos each round, and in total gave away hundreds of extra cards.

Also awarded was a prize for best costume - James Huff claimed this for the Lion and won a vinyl Emerald Championship banner for his efforts.

A charitable Box of Greed was held to raise funds towards the GoFundMe for Rich Gain, a former games store owner and supporter of L5R who suffered a great personal tragedy recently. The players present gave generously and donated $150, and Black Moon Games were happy to match this sum, donating an additional $150.

As TO, I was extremely happy with how the event went. The attendance was exceptional, and the players extremely well behaved and knowledgeable. We kept to a tight schedule with quick turnarounds between rounds, and even managed to finish earlier than expected. Very much looking forward to many more great events at this fantastic store in the future.


Ian Fite, 1st place - https://www.bushibuilder.com/l5r/deck/?deck=ea0d756a-434d-11e9-a648-020c407d2d9d&public=y

Derek McConnell, 2nd place - https://www.bushibuilder.com/l5r/deck/?deck=8bc6d560-434f-11e9-a648-020c407d2d9d&public=y

Erik Stenberg, 3rd place - https://www.bushibuilder.com/l5r/deck/?deck=a9603ff1-4350-11e9-a648-020c407d2d9d&public=y

James Balthis, 4th place - https://www.bushibuilder.com/l5r/deck/?deck=80b62f88-435a-11e9-a648-020c407d2d9d&public=y

Raymond Ortgiesen, 5th place - https://www.bushibuilder.com/l5r/deck/?deck=408b1c22-4368-11e9-a648-020c407d2d9d&public=y

Kyle Michalek, 6th place - https://www.bushibuilder.com/l5r/deck/?deck=6f3ffc0b-4369-11e9-a648-020c407d2d9d&public=y

David Buresh, 7th place - https://www.bushibuilder.com/l5r/deck/?deck=5c6a2ec0-436b-11e9-a648-020c407d2d9d&public=y

Alan Sarkisian, 8th place - https://www.bushibuilder.com/l5r/deck/?deck=a700360d-436b-11e9-a648-020c407d2d9d&public=y