New Search function

By Big Remy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

When did they change the forum search function? It actually expands into a menu now that looks like it might not completely suck.

EDIT: Wow, I just tried it. It actually works pretty well, light years better than the old one.

Now, how do you HIDE it? I have to scroll through half a page to get to the content.

When they first updated the search, it takes upa whole page on every page and for a second, I thought I was on the wrong page, until I scrolled down. After a couple days, it just went away, back to normal (unless you click search). I didn't do anything, so not sure what setting they set server side...


Much improved! With the ability to search only the Descent subforum and look for an exact phrase instead of a collection of words, it should be enormously easier to find threads on a particular topic. I searched "minor healing" as a trial and got exactly one hit, shnar talking about the treasure cards removed from RtL.

Search menu now seems to go away when you navigate to a new page, or if you click the "search the forums" button a second time.