Deep Jungle: OK to swap opponents after each game?

By lexicalscope, in Organized Play

Hi, my group is interested in a friendly one-day tourney using the Deep Jungle scenario. To mix things up, we want to swap opponents after each game. I didn't see a mandate to play all games with the same pairing (though, maybe I missed it). I was reading

I assume that changing opponents after each game is OK, given that we're playing a friendly tourney?

There is nothing in the Operation that says you have to play all 4 games against the same opponent. We ran this one at my FLGS recently and just played a round-robin setup since we only had 4 players.

So if you set it up as a "Rivals League" then you keep the same opponents the whole time. Otherwise it's however the TO organizes things.

For our single day version of Deep Jungle, I did pairings by relative points values of the armies. It's not always possible, but it keeps things fair if some armies have snowballed with heavy weapons (double scattergun fleets, for example)