Tomb Of Ice Tiles Misprints

By IKerensky, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I have several problems with ground tiles from Tomb of Ice and wonder if I am the only one.

1- There is a lot of deviation in the printing grid, if you look at the 2 by 2 ice tile you can see it is obviously miscentered by a mere half centimeter.

2- Tiles from Tomb Of Ice doesnt clip well with thoses from base game, if at all. I can sometimes force them into place but the paper is obviously bended and the dungeon look mishapped ( 90° turn between 80° and 100°).

Anyone with the same problems ?


I think, that Tomb Of Ice is the worst printed expansion of Descent. Due to these problems with fitting, the most of tiles I've are partially damaged. I wanted to issues a complain to FantasyFlightGames but it won't change anything...