Unexhausting Drugs

By Constrictor, in Fallout

If I'm addicted I have to pay the caps cost to unexhaust and can't drop the drugs, but if I'm not addicted do I get a free unexhaust when I camp or do I still have to pay the caps? The cost is mentioned in the 'if you're addicted' text.

The card would unexhaust when you take a Camp action if you are not addicted. The only time it unexhausts is if you are addicted and you pay the caps while taking a Camp action.

Edited by Husker949
On 1/3/2019 at 10:10 PM, Husker949 said:

The card would unexhaust when you take a Camp action if you are not addicted.

The only time it unexhausts is if you are addicted and you pay the caps while taking a Camp action.

You've said two opposites here. Here's the answer from the rules reference, pp4:

Camp Action

... All exhausted cards must be unexhausted ...

As such, so long as there's nothing explicitly prohibiting you from unexhausting a card, it's free - and obligatory - to unexhaust.

Rules Reference Guide: Page 7


Some card abilities exhaust the card when the ability is used.

When a card exhausts, it is rotated 90 degrees.

An exhausted card cannot exhaust again until it is unexhausted,

typically by the survivor performing a camp action.

A survivor can have exhausted cards equipped or in his

or her inventory and can equip, unequip, trade, and sell

exhausted cards.


If a survivor trades an exhausted card to another survivor

during a camp action, that card remains exhausted.

A survivor's exhausted cards are unexhausted when he or

she performs a camp action or when instructed to do so by a

game effect.


If a card has a cost to unexhaust it, the survivor must pay

the cost when that card would unexhaust, otherwise the

card stays exhausted.

Edited by Husker949
23 hours ago, Husker949 said:

If a card has a cost to unexhaust it, the survivor must pay

the cost when that card would unexhaust, otherwise the

card stays exhausted.

Meaning that if you become addicted, you WILL lose Caps every time you have exhausted drugs and take a Camp action since the phrasing doesn't use the term "may". As in you cannot choose not to unexhaust an item during a Camp Action?

Edited by Fnoffen
for correction

We have always played it that if you don't care about it unexhausting then you just don't pay caps. The only way to unexhaust drugs while addicted is to pay the caps fee for each on that you have. The bonus for it though is that since you can't discard drugs when addicted, you can stock pile every single one of them and hold more than your inventory would allow.

Is that true about holding as many exhausted drug items as you want? I thought this was an inherent penalty to using the item and becoming addicted...it takes up an inventory space.

Well the drugs DO take up inventory space so let's say you have one free inventory space and loot an awesome weapon and a drug while having the ADDICTED effect. You'd be forced to drop the weapon since being addicted disallows the discarding of any type of drug. I would also surmise that if you are carrying more drugs than you normally could and then lose the ADDICTED status you'd be forced to immediatley discard drugs down to your inventory limit.

Fnoffen, can you tell me where you found in the rules about having to keep newly drawn drug items when addicted (aside from the card that got you addicted--going by your example above where you had to discard the weapon). We've not been using that rule and I was looking for it tonight in the books.

The way we've been playing, exhausted and unexhausted drugs take up space in the inventory, addicted or not. And each card brings it's own ability to get you addicted even if it's a drug you are already addicted to. We've been doing this because I didn't see in the rules or on the cards, any specifics to apply the addiction to multiple cards.

Your thoughts?

42 minutes ago, dj9091 said:

Fnoffen, can you tell me where you found in the rules about having to keep newly drawn drug items when addicted (aside from the card that got you addicted--going by your example above where you had to discard the weapon). We've not been using that rule and I was looking for it tonight in the books.

The way we've been playing, exhausted and unexhausted drugs take up space in the inventory, addicted or not. And each card brings it's own ability to get you addicted even if it's a drug you are already addicted to. We've been doing this because I didn't see in the rules or on the cards, any specifics to apply the addiction to multiple cards.

Your thoughts?

Being addicted is a trait , not a condition on a drug card. I've taken the text on all drug cards to be their interaction with the addicted trait; it get give you the trait, and interacts with it just like other traits such as Synths.

As the procedure for gaining new items is 'pick up the new item, then discard down to inventory limits', you would pick up the drug while addicted, then because cannot trumps must in FFG games as a rule, you cannot discard any of your drugs. So even if you have 13 in your inventory, so long as you're addicted you can pick up a 14th.

Yeah, what Astech said. The Addicted effect is on your character, not a specific item.

Interesting...thanks for the great responses. The way I read the specifics in the rules is that you can't have more than three in inventory (unless special circumstances allow) so the addicted drug item, exhausted or otherwise would take up an inventory slot. I'm not understanding the exception for drug items, especially since a rule wasn't included that states this, specifically for drug items.

I definitely see the points provided in your responses, just still a little confusing on that interpretation. I'd think that being addicted has a specific penalty that has to be realized and by allowing me to keep as many exhausted drug items as possible, the only penalty is I can't become well rested until my addiction is gone.

Well I'd say that the fact that you must refresh any exhausted drugs you might have when taking a "rest" action, spending all your hard earned caps to do so would constitute a penalty. As would not being able to pick up anything *but* drugs if your inventory is full. Having the Addicted trait is, if not paired with the Lab Coat(?) item (which, if I recall correctly, allows any drugs carried to not count towards your inventory limit), a serious threat to your ability to carry any spare weapons.