How many spells can be used in a turn?

By Starshadow, in Arkham Horror

I just got this for Christmas. I have the 2nd edition board game. In the rule book it says you can only play cards that don't exceed two hands. So example, you could play only one card that has 2 hand symbols on it. Or two cards if they each had one hand symbol on them each. But what about spell cards that don't have a hand symbol on them? Does that mean if I have say a physical or magical weapon that uses only one hand, that I can case unlimited spell cards that have no hand symbol on them? Or is it still only a limit of one spell card per phase or turn?

Example. Say you have the Flesh Ward spell card and the Enchant Weapon spell card. They both say Any Phase. Can you cast both spells one after the other say in combat?

And when using say Professor Harvey Walters. His special ability is that he reduces all Sanity losses by by one Any Phase, to a minimum of 0. So does that mean say when using the example above. He tries to case Enchant Weapon, which has Sanity cost of 1, he wouldn't lose any Sanity b/c of this special ability. If he is then allowed to cast the other spell, Flash Ward, would he also be able to reduce the Sanity cost on that to 0, or is he only allowed to use it once per phase?

Continuing the Professor's example, if he can only cast one spell and for combat he casts, Enchant Weapon. He reduces the Sanity cost to 0 b/c of special ability. If he happens to take damage from the monster, is he able to block one sanity from being removed say if he has to take two sanity damage? Or b/c he already used it when casting the spell, he would have to take two sanity damage with no reduction?

You have two actions total in the round. You may not make same action twice. Those Are the only rules.

so if you have 50 spells and each of them allow different action. You can use two of them in a round. But if the spell does not require action it normally is tied to another action that eats that action slot. There Are some reactions that Are outside of actions, but They normally say how often you can use them.

Thanks Hannibal that makes sense. What about my question on the Professor and how his special ability works for reducing Stamina loss?

I think this is posted to the wrong forum. The 3rd edition game does not have Professor Harvey Walters as a character (at present - if it does well with expansions I'm sure they will add him).

Here is the link to the forum for the 2nd edition of the game:

AH.. true. The 2nd edition rules differ somewhat.