Here was my list:
Galactic Empire
Commander: Admiral Screed
Assault Objective:
Close-Range Intel Scan
Defense Objective:
Fighter Ambush
Navigation Objective:
Superior Positions
[ flagship ]
Victory II-Class Star Destroyer
(85 points)
- Admiral Screed ( 26 points)
( 8 points)
- Governor Pryce ( 7 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- Disposable Capacitors ( 3 points)
- Quad Battery Turrets ( 5 points)
- Heavy Ion Emplacements ( 9 points)
total ship cost
Gladiator II-Class Star Destroyer
(62 points)
( 10 points)
- Agent Kallus ( 3 points)
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Flechette Torpedoes ( 3 points)
total ship cost
Gozanti-class Cruisers
(23 points)
- Darth Vader ( 1 points)
- Comms Net ( 2 points)
total ship cost
Arquitens-class Command Cruiser
(59 points)
( 3 points)
- Captain Needa ( 2 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Quad Battery Turrets ( 5 points)
total ship cost
Morna Kee
( 27 points)
Boba Fett
( 26 points)
Ciena Ree
( 17 points)
Captain Jonus
( 16 points)
Colonel Jendon
( 20 points)
Maarek Steele
( 21 points)
"Mauler" Mithel
( 15 points)
Tempest Squadron
( 13 points)
total squadron cost
I was inspired by @CommanderDave 's list. I decided to try a VSD-II instead of an Interdictor, then of course squads and upgrades are different because it's a 500 point game. Added an Arquitens because I could. My first time flying an Arquitens!
My friend had Emperor Palpatine as commander, a nasty Cymoon with Director Krennic, Quad Laser Turrets, Spinals, Quad Turbolaser Cannons, etc. Also Quasar and two Goz, one with Comms and one BCC. 10 squadrons, pretty bomber heavy.
My friend chose 2nd player, and I chose his Targeting Beacons.
Beginning of round 1
Beginning of round 2 (Palpatine targeted Scatters)
I didn't get beginning of round 3 unfortunately, here's the end of round 3. (End of game) (Palpatine targeted Braces this round)
My friend underestimated the power of my VSD and the Demo with Fletchettes. My first power play was activating Demo at the beginning of round 2, hitting his Maarek and IG-88 with Fletchettes. My squads would not have survived as long if I had not done that.
Second, my Governor Pryce VSD went last at the end of round 2, hitting both ISD and Quasar with DCaps out of the front arc. HIE against ISD. Then I went ahead at speed 1, staying in long range of the ISD. At first I thought this was a mistake, thinking I wouldn't get a medium range shot next round, but now I know this was the right move after all.
In round 3, I activated Demo first and hit his Quasar's front with my front arc, flew ahead at speed 3, then hit its side with my side.
My Arquitens got a really good double arc shot with a CF against his ISD, despite not using QBTs.He flew his Cymoon in at speed 1, avoiding my QBTs. Made a nasty hit against my VSD, but had two accuracies and targeted my redirects. I braced 8 damage down to 4, but discarded my brace due to Palapatine. My Maarek attacked his ISD twice with Jendon. Finally, my VSD activated last again, had a fantastic roll against his ISD once again, doing HIE on his one remaining side shield + 7 damage to the hull, just enough to kill it.
Really fun game! I only lost Mauler Mithel, Ciena Ree and Tempest Squadron. They did their job tying down my opponent's bombers, protecting my Demo and VSD from getting wiped out.
Edited by Bertie Wooster