Movement costs quick list?

By daddystabz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does anyone have a quick list of movement costs for various actions in Descent? The reason I'm asking is I thought it would be good if I could have a quick reference list I could print out that would list how much movement it costs for all the various actions in the game. Can anyone help with this please?

Things like:

Drinking potions

Using a glyph to teleport to town

Coming back from town through a glyph

Opening a door

Picking up various objects

Equipping a different item

Trading an item with another player

Opening chests

Picking up coins


There's a list in the yellow box on page 16 of the rulebook:

Used Task

0 Pick up a token in your space *
0 Drop an item (it is lost forever, unless it is a
1 Move from a glyph to town (or vice versa) *
1 Walk up or down a staircase (see below) *
1 Give one weapon or potion to adjacent hero *
1 Drink a potion (see “Treasure,” page 18) *
2 Open or close normal door
2 Open chest *
2 Open or close rune-locked door **
2 Re-equip *
3 Jump over pit (see “Props,” below)
Can be performed even with no movement
* Hero players only
** Hero only, and only when unlocked

Jumping over a pit actually costs 3x the number of spaces skipped (p.17).

Per errata, heroes can give any item (not just weapons and potions), but not coins, and named monsters can now open/close runelocked doors (as long as they don't lead to unrevealed areas), whether the heroes have the matching key or not.

Thanks! I appreciate that helpful list.

For the sake of completeness, it has to be noted that single-space monsters are also allowed to use staircases for 1 MP per the FAQ.