Name Generator

By pholland, in Houserules

Just in case you want something- I've compiled a list of about 1800 male Japanese and Korean names and about 750 female names (inlcuding some L5R ones) (sadly the lists I found were far shorter for females. The Korean names are a little more unusual, so in the master list they are green, but sadly I can't get that to carry across in the randomised list.

I've put them together with a randomiser that will generate 20 male and 20 female names, some random Major Clan, Minor Clan, Vassal Clan and Imperial Families family names as well as giving you a suggestion (e.g. Female 14, Major 3= pick the 14th Female name and 3rd Major clan family) if you want it.

I've only used families and clans that were in existance at the beginning of Alderac's timeline, so generally this can be used for anyone, though some of the Vassal and Minor families might not be relevant for you. You will need to run Macros in Excel if you want the button to work.

Name Randomiser.xlsm

That's pretty cool. Usually when I'm stuck on a name, I go to a site a friend of mine showed me a while back called

It's a great site that has a random renamer tool for you to generate a name using masculine, feminine, ambiguous gendering for the name as well as the option to use a set last name or pick a random one each time a name is generated.

The coolest part is it even gives origin definitions to each part of the name so if you want to know more about a random first name, you can!

That's pretty cool. A few years ago I made a list of 100 male names and 100 female names that are broken down into which clan they are most appropriate for and their meaning is listed as well.. it's been useful through 2 editions of L5R so far and it's one of the few role-playing aids that I've actually kept track of for about 8 years. Also, I believe the Crab are supposed to be more Chinese based and the Unicorn are Mongolian, so you might want to look into adding those. Finally, to fix the lack of female names, might it be possible to feminize some of the male names? Female Bushi especially often use male names and just put -ko at the end, for example.

P.S.: and some names like Aoi (meaning hollyhock )are straight-up gender neutral.

Edited by Black_Rabbit_Inle
1 hour ago, Black_Rabbit_Inle said:

That's pretty cool. A few years ago I made a list of 100 male names and 100 female names that are broken down into which clan they are most appropriate for and their meaning is listed as well.. it's been useful through 2 editions of L5R so far and it's one of the few role-playing aids that I've actually kept track of for about 8 years. Also, I believe the Crab are supposed to be more Chinese based and the Unicorn are Mongolian, so you might want to look into adding those. Finally, to fix the lack of female names, might it be possible to feminize some of the male names? Female Bushi especially often use male names and just put -ko at the end, for example.

P.S.: and some names like Aoi (meaning hollyhock )are straight-up gender neutral.

There are Chinese names in there, plus gender neutral ones are on both sides. However FFG clearly don't care about gender anyway as they keep flipping gender of canon characters.