As I have not received my Mother of Dragons expansion pack yet, I want to ask, is there a set up for those two houses for DwD expansion? If yes where can I found it. As I think that they would be in a dire disadvantage if they started with the same set up as in a normal game. For an answer thanks in advance. (I would like to do two games, one normal and one with DwD expansion)
Dance with Dragons expansion and set up for Arryns and Targaryens
MoD is not compatible with the custom setup from DwD.
The rule-book simply says that you can use an alternate house card deck (DwD + Arryn FFC + Targ deck B) to mix things up. You still use all the other MoD rules (including setup).
7 hours ago, Frode789 said:MoD is not compatible with the custom setup from DwD.
The rule-book simply says that you can use an alternate house card deck (DwD + Arryn FFC + Targ deck B) to mix things up. You still use all the other MoD rules (including setup).
Thanks for the response
Makes sence, yet its sad that you cannot go for DwD scenario in 7 and 8 players