Some small questions

By Oathman, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi again

Well at the moment I have Descent core rules and nothing more. I am looking at Roads to legend and I am going to buy that set soon. But now to my question. What do I need to play RtL and can I use the dungeons in JitD to RtL or must I create the dungeons my self?

I know that RtL is an expansion that make the game more of a campaign and that the heroes can improve over time. But could someone please tell me a little bit more about it?


Rtl is a campaign on its own, you need JitD to play it because of the monsters and core Rulez.

ive lookit over and im gonna play it soon, for what ive seen in the rulez not only the heroes but the overlord progresses as wel.

this time the overlord takes on the form of an Avatar (this is random) and commands Leuitenents to stop the heroes.

the heroes begin the campaing on what is called Copper Level and after a certain amount of XP gathered betweeen the heroes and the overlord the game levels up to silver then gold and in the end Diamans level.

when the game readses Diamand level the heroes are ready to the end game to take on the overlord.

in mean time the heroes can progress by spending XP and gold to gain better advantage.

im starting it soon to see what its gonna hold for me and my players.

good luck when youve got the RTL

Head over to and look at the RtL Review posts for a good idea of what RtL is like (here: ).

In brief, it's a much longer game (60+hrs) played over many sessions. The progression between heroes and overlord is much slower, allowing the group to have a few sessions with their current power-level. The dungeons are a lot tighter too, so a typical dungeon "level" is about an hour in play time (there are 3 dungeon levels for each dungeon).

The game, however, is very unforgiving to the heroes, especially in Copper, so make sure they read a couple strategy posts (particularly the "blitz" strategy (here: ). Also, the OL needs to commit early on what type of end-game strategy he wants, either focusing on completely the Plot, razing Tamalir, or buffing his Avatar for the end-battle. If he spreads himself out, he's bound to just lose.

But it's still a fun game :)


Thx for the answers! Well RtL is a must buy for me and I am going to get it next month. Hopefully my group have played a couple of games by then. But it seems that if you are the overlord in a campaign you can´t change overlord in midgame. We were thinking of letting the role of overlord rotate between us so all got to play heroes once in a while (who don´t want to be a hero!)... But well we will change between campaigns insteed then.

Thx again and play well!


Oathman said:

Thx for the answers! Well RtL is a must buy for me and I am going to get it next month. Hopefully my group have played a couple of games by then. But it seems that if you are the overlord in a campaign you can´t change overlord in midgame. We were thinking of letting the role of overlord rotate between us so all got to play heroes once in a while (who don´t want to be a hero!)... But well we will change between campaigns insteed then.

Thx again and play well!


Switching OverLord between quests in the base game is highly recommended imho- If gives each player the experience of what they are going up against on the other side. I don't recommend it for the RTL - definitely change between campaigns though!