So I'm going to be GMing a campaign of Terrinoth soon, and the details of this campaign are... irrelevant by and large for the purposes of this thread. Suffice to say I really like the occasional combat, so I put them in, but by and large my campaign's focus will be other. Probably a large social focus, social combat, intrigue, etc.
Now the question I have: Early on(around 3rd session) an NPC is going to give the PCs each a magic item / rune bound shard of their choosing (the choice is meta, he only has one for each PC, but he chose with their specific needs/wants in mind when acquiring them ) Now that is going to happen, but my question is what would happen to game balance if he game them two?
Personally I think thematically one is fine, but two would also be fine, I just want to know if game balance will be destroyed if they get two each, or can the system handle this?
I'm especially interested in the opinions of people who have already played the game despite it being new.