Replacing / Converting Signature Abilities with Heroic Abilities (available from CharGen) from Terrinoth

By Fl1nt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hey there 😃

I've been reading the new Terrinoth Genesys Book and came across the Heroic Abilites each Terrinoth Character gets from Character Creation.

I must say I really like this idea, rather than having to wait a long time to be finally buy your signature ability in Star Wars, the Careers / Specialisations get a unique Heroic Ability.

I think this helps making the characters feel more unique from the get go, but what do you think?

Has anyone tried that before or any insights to share on this?

Thanks in advance.

My main headache is probably how making Signature Abilities available from Character Creation onwards, will affect the Powerlevel.

The Terrinoth Heroic Abilities are quite powerful and I have not yet have had the opportunity to witness them or in actuallity Realms of Terrinoth in actual play.

Could someone share insights on how these affect play?

The other thing is:

Going with the 1 Ability Point per 50 xp from Terrinoth, I feel most of the Signature Ability Upgrades would be kinda underpowered when compared to the available upgrades available to Heroic Abilites.

Which I would want to bring in line, since I'd probably want the heroic abilities from Terrinoth also be available for my players.

Can anyone share their thoughts on this?

I'll probably play around with the concept and post as soon as I have something that I feel is viable.

If someone likes to pitch in some ideas or thoughts, feel free. I'd be very glad and grateful 😃

Cheers Resources/My Custom resources

I did a few Genesys-to-Star Wars conversions, one of those being the Heroic Abilities. Fair warning, those things are super powerful. One player's signature weapon is his double-bladed lightsaber with a base damage of like 12 and enough automatic advantage to practically always double-hit with the Linked quality and that is just with the passive effects. Because it's his signature weapon, even if it gets lost or destroyed he will always end up with a new one or it will come back to him by the next session.

Another player can instantly recover all wounds and a crit.

Another can activate their ability and immediately defeat an entire minion group/1 rival for a maneuver for 2 rounds.

We are about 700xp earned, so 7 "ability points" have been earned for their Heroic Abilities. We earn xp at a faster-than-suggested rate, which means Ability Points are also earned much more quickly, even at the rate of 1 per 100xp.

Edited by GroggyGolem

Thanks for the insights. (The Dropbox link doesnt work for me though).

Hm that sounds powerful indeed. I'll definitely try to tone that down to get to the power level of the original signature abilities.

Which to be fair also had the "Eliminate all Minions from the Encounter" Hiredgun Ability.

One idea that's come to my mind is to grant the Heroic / Signature Ability on CharGen but take the XP spending requirements from the original Signature abilities to somewhat reign in these abilities.

I think, if it's too powerful to have right away, the simplest solution would be to leave the signature abilities as they are in Star Wars, where you have to work your way down a Spec tree before you can purchase the Signature Ability. At that point, you've put in 150-200xp for the tree and likely more on skills.

I personally feel after having used the Heroic Abilities, which I would say are on-par with the Star Wars Signature Abilities, that they are too strong to give to a starting character. Once a character has a few hundred xp under their belt, they are doing pretty good, so getting a Signature Ability at that point is fine.

Ok, thanks alot for the input. You made some very good points.

I'll take that and think about it. 😃