Painting / Space Marines

By Artemus Maximus, in Horus Heresy

About to order this, but have a question before i do so for those who already have it & have read the scenario book.

If you divide the Space Marines up equally between the chapters & paint them their respective colors, would that work?

In other words, are there scenarios where there's not an even distribution of space marines, like all imperial fists and no blood angels or white scars?

I know there's the chapter indicator tokens; i'd hate to have red-painted SM stand in for white scars i guess. preocupado.gif


There's only ever four Space Marine units associated with each legion. The number of legion markings provided with the game ensures that, so you're safe to paint them. You're looking at roughly Epic-sized units, I believe. Also, I'm curious to know whether or not you'll use pre-Heresy color schemes for the Traitor legions. In either case, you should note that color schemes for the Traitor legions that are different than their unit color (such as pre-Heresy World Eaters or post-Heresy Emperor's Children) could cause confusion over their Ruinous Power affiliation in regards to combat cards for players who are unfamiliar with the setting and can't make the association right off the bat.

awesome thanks!

yeah i planned on going post-heresy with chaos SM colors, since they go better with their chaos god colors. not sure how it goes with the fluff, but i don't really care & since the chaos SM models are already in 'chaos form' it works for me :)

I would also use post-heresy color schemes. They fit more with their base color. Furthermore, I think some legions already did the change during the Heresy.

What is the size/scale of infantry units? From the pictures I guessed them to be about 10mm? I'm thinking of getting 6mm infantry painted up as replacements for the vanilla pieces while I wait for the game to be released this side. Found some good reviews and ideas here . If anyone does paint up the game pieces please post a pic.